The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1684 West Water Unwilling

Chapter 1684 West Water Unwilling ([-])

The ministers arrived soon, and when they heard that Dazhao's army had captured the border of Xishui, they were all stunned.

How did things get like this?

Why did Dazhao's army suddenly send troops to Xishui?Did Dazhao want to take Xishui as well and make it his territory?

Or did His Royal Highness anger Dazhao, so he sent troops to attack Xishui, wanting to give Xishui a warning?
"What's your opinion on this, dear friends, let me hear it." Emperor Xishui looked at the ministers and asked.Now, Xishui is facing the danger of destroying the country, and he hopes to hear some suggestions.

However, all the ministers were silent, and no one spoke for a long time.This made Emperor Xishui a little annoyed, his eyes swept over the ministers, and finally stopped on the prime minister, asking: "Prime Minister, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I think that with our current strength, we can't compete with Dazhao at all. Why don't we seek peace?"

As soon as the prime minister's words came out, the whole hall was dead silent, and it took a while for someone to speak, saying: "Prime Minister, you are not mistaken. Why do you want peace? It's not that I have no soldiers or generals in Xishui, just fight."

The person who spoke was an old minister and also a famous military general. In his opinion, soldiers came to stop him.Since Dazhao sent troops to attack Xishui, of course they had to send troops to fight back.

However, the general who spoke did not know that there were not many troops available in Xishui now, and the 80 troops sent out before were almost wiped out.

Therefore, after hearing what the general said, Emperor Xishui's face turned dark.He also wanted to fight, and it would be best if he could beat Jokha's army to pieces, and even send them back to Jokha.

But this can only be thought about, Xishui doesn't have this strength at all.

"General Liu, why don't you take your troops to fight?" The prime minister looked at the general angrily, he had no skills, so he just said it.If there is a real war, I don't know what will happen?

"Go, go, as long as His Majesty sends troops to the old man, I don't believe they can't be defeated." General Liu said proudly. Although he was old, he felt that his sword was not old.

It's okay for the last battlefield or something.

Emperor Xishui glanced at General Liu indifferently, but did not speak.This General Liu is already old, if he turns ten years old, maybe he will really be sent there.What a pity, what a pity.

Emperor Xishui sighed secretly, and then asked the other ministers: "What about the other people, what do you think, whether it is a peace or a fight, it has to be determined, and then we can discuss a charter."

"Your Majesty, I agree with the prime minister's proposal to discuss peace."

"The minister also agrees."

"My minister agrees."

Except for a few generals, the ministers of the DPRK and China agreed to negotiate a peace.

Looking at the one-sided situation, the generals were very depressed.They are very repulsive about negotiating peace or something.But seeing the emperor agreeing, they had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

The matter of peace negotiation was settled in this way, Emperor Xishui immediately sent someone to send a letter to Shangguan Yuntian, apologizing and apologizing, and proposed the method of marriage between the two countries to negotiate peace.

Therefore, when Xishui Chuxuan rushed back to the capital, the Xishui Emperor had already made a decision, and there was nothing wrong with him at all.

As soon as Xishui Chuxuan came back, the Xishui Emperor directly called him to the imperial study room and gave him a hard training.

The recent performance of Xishui Chuxuan disappointed Xishuihuang.One thing was not done, and Dazhao had caused such a disaster. If he hadn't been the prince, if there hadn't been a better candidate for the prince, if he hadn't been cultivated by himself, Emperor Xishui would have deposed him long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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