The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1685 West Water Unwilling

Chapter 1685 West Water Unwilling ([-])

Xishui Chuxuan listened to the training silently, feeling extremely aggrieved in his heart.This was the first time since he became the prince, he was reprimanded so mercilessly by Emperor Xishui.

However, at this time, he also knew that Emperor Xishui was in a fit of anger, and he could not say or do anything except bow his head to listen to the training, otherwise it would increase the anger of Emperor Xishui.

The Emperor Xishui trained Xishui Chuxuan for an entire hour before slowly dispelling the breath, and then waved his hand, signaling him to go back to his palace to think about the past.

Back in the East Palace, Xishui Chuxuan vented his anger before dispelling the depression in his heart.

But when he thought that Dazhao's army was attacking Xishui, he became depressed again.

"Your Highness, the Emperor has decided to negotiate a peace with Dazhao." Only when Xishui Chuxuan's anger subsided, did the attendant dare to tell him the news he had just received.

"What? Negotiate a peace?" Xishui Chuxuan's face changed, and he never thought that the Xishui Emperor would decide to negotiate a peace.

Once the peace is negotiated, won't everything they have done before become a joke?

Thinking of this, Xishui Chuxuan became more and more depressed and unwilling.No, he has to prevent the two countries from negotiating peace.

However, in order to stop the negotiation, Dazhao's army must be stopped, or even withdraw from Xishui.

How can we make Dazhao cease fighting?

Xishui Chuxuan pondered.

After a while, he thought of a brilliant idea to let Dazhao cease fighting.Therefore, Xishui Chuxuan sent people around him to count how many Dazhao merchants there were in Xishui.

He decided to follow Shangguan Yuntian's example, arrest these people, and then force Dazhao to retreat, and even return those Donghua Kingdom cities that Dazhao took away.

With a solution, Xishui Chuxuan became proud.He didn't inform Xishuihuang, and let his own people do it.

He felt that there was no need to tell Emperor Xishui about such things, as long as he succeeded, as long as he made Dazhao withdraw his troops, or even exchanged those cities, Emperor Xishui would naturally look at him with admiration, and would naturally be proud and proud of her.

At this time, Yunfei didn't know that Xishui Chuxuan had a bad intention again, and he was leading an army to attack the third city of Xishui.

In a few days, he had captured two cities in Xishui.Today is the third one. After capturing this city, Yunfei intends to rest for a while, and then ask Shangguan Yuntian for instructions if he wants to continue the attack.

If it is according to Zhao Ta's idea, it must continue, and then the entire West River will be brought down to realize the unification of the world.

It's just that he also knows that his master is a person with no ambitions.He knew that in the eyes of Shangguan Yuntian, his wife and children were the most important, and as for the great cause of the emperor, he had to stand aside in front of his wife and children.

This point makes Yunfei quite admire.As an emperor, which one is not ambitious, which one does not want to unify the world.But only my master has never thought about this problem.

At this moment, Shangguan Yuntian, in the Jokhang Palace, received a letter from Emperor Xishui. When he saw that the other party intended to seek peace and said that he would send the princess to Dazhao for a marriage, he couldn't help laughing.

Now, Dazhao has captured the two cities of Xishui, and the Emperor of Xishui now wants to ask for peace, so there is no such thing as cheap.

As for the marriage, he is even less interested.In his life, only one Yehuang is enough.As for other women, even if they were angels, he would not like them.

Therefore, Shangguan Yuntian quickly wrote back to Emperor Xishui, saying: "If you want peace, the city will come in exchange!"

(End of this chapter)

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