The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1687 Vicious means

Chapter 1687 Vicious means ([-])

Xishui Chuxuan had arrested the Dazhao businessman, and Yehuang also got the news.

Yehuang never thought that this Xishui Chuxuan would be so shameless.The dignified prince always does things that people look down upon and are stingy.

If she has the ability, she will do it on the battlefield with real swords and guns. Even if Shangguan Yuntian loses or Dazhao loses, she will never say anything else.

But this Xishui Chuxuan should never have, never should have arrested Dazhao's businessmen, shouldn't have used their lives to threaten Dazhao's retreat, and even brazenly demanded to exchange the city with the city.

Who did he think he was, that he would change the city if he said that he changed the city?He also didn't think about it, if there were no merchants from Dazhao, what would the people of Xishui Kingdom eat and wear?
Just rely on those local businessmen in Xishui Kingdom?Stop dreaming.Yehuang can guarantee that as long as the merchants of Xishui Kingdom withdraw from Xishui, the price of goods in Xishui Kingdom will skyrocket, and a large number of ordinary people will starve to death.

Originally, she didn't want to deal with Xishui economically or commercially.

Now, since Xishui Chuxuan killed himself, she will fulfill him.She would like to see how long this Xishui Kingdom can last without these businessmen from Dazhao.

At that time, even if Dazhao withdraws his troops, Xishui Kingdom will never grow.

Therefore, Ye Huang directly sent a letter to Ye Feng, asking him to go to Xishui, close the shops there, and send out all the Dazhao merchants on Xishui safely.

Afterwards, in the name of Immortal Medicine, she sent a letter to her friends in the rivers and lakes, asking them to evacuate all the properties on the Xishui side.

Although Yehuang was only a doctor, many people bought her face as a doctor.

After finishing all this, Yehuang was not idle and went to find Shangguan Yuntian.She wants to tell Shangguan Yuntian what she has done, and tell him the consequences of these things, so that he can prepare himself first.

Seeing Yehuang coming, Shangguan Yuntian was a little surprised and a little surprised.He put down the vermilion pen in his hand, stood up, walked to the side of the couch and sat down, looked at Yehuang and asked, "Huang'er, why are you free to come and see me today?"

Ever since they came back from Donghua, he and Yehuang were busy with their own business, except for eating and sleeping, they hardly spent time together.

Today, Yehuang actually came, so he was surprised.

"I miss you, come and have a look. What, can't you?" Yehuang sat down beside Shangguan Yuntian, and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Okay, why can't it work? It's too late for my husband to be happy. I hope that Huang'er will think about my husband all the time, and then stay with me, not going anywhere." Shangguan Yuntian laughed and stretched out his hand pinched her nose.

Yehuang missed him, which was something she could only wish for.If it wasn't for Yehuang's own affairs to deal with, he would have wished that she would be with him every day.

Yehuang laughed, leaned her head lightly on Shangguan Yuntian's shoulder, closed her eyes slightly, and enjoyed the moment that belonged to them alone.

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Ye Huang, and put his arms around her waist to make her lean more comfortably.

After leaning on for a while, Yehuang finally said: "Yuntian, I know everything that happened in Xishui Kingdom."

"Well, don't worry, I will take care of it." Shangguan Yuntian comforted Yehuang, thinking that she was worried about those businessmen who were captured by Xishui Chuxuan.

"Don't worry, I know you will rescue them." Yehuang laughed, and then continued: "I want to talk to you about something else."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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