The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1688 Vicious means

Chapter 1688 Vicious means ([-])

"What's the matter? Ma'am, please tell me, I'm just listening to you." Shangguan Yuntian laughed, and looked straight at Yehuang dotingly.

As long as it is about Yehuang, in the eyes of Shangguan Yuntian, it is a big deal.

"Didn't Xishui arrest our Dazhao businessman? I plan to blockade Xishui's businesses and make Dazhao's shops in Xishui close down. And I also sent a letter to my friends in the rivers and lakes, asking them to withdraw their businesses from Xishui water."

"Is Huang'er planning to use the method used to deal with Nan'an to deal with Xishui?" Shangguan Yuntian remembered that this method was also used in Nan'an back then.In Ye Huang's words, that's called an economic blockade.

"Not exactly, but more or less."

"What does Huang'er want to do for her husband?"

"You don't need to do it for the time being. When there is a turmoil in Xishui due to rising prices, you will be responsible for sending troops to suppress it."

"Huang'er is going to give Xishui to her husband?"

"What, can't you?"

"Of course, as long as it's something from Huang'er, my husband is happy to accept it."

"It's more or less the same." Yehuang's face was full of arrogance, if Shangguan Yuntian dared to say no, it's up to her to deal with him.

Seeing Yehuang's cute appearance, Shangguan Yuntian couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, and then said, "Huang'er should be fine, right? How about handling political affairs with my husband?"

"Okay!" Ye Huang replied with a smile, and then stayed to accompany Shangguan Yuntian to deal with political affairs.

Yunfei soon received Shangguan Yuntian's reply letter, and after he read the contents of the letter, his whole heart was settled.Then the generals were called together to discuss the following siege plan.

The generals were overjoyed when they heard that Shangguan Yuntian agreed with them to continue the siege.All of them were beaming with joy and full of excitement.

They had long disliked Xishui, especially after receiving a threatening letter from Xishui Chuxuan before, they were even more annoyed.

If Shangguan Yuntian did not agree to continue the attack, they might really have to retreat.In this way, Chu Xuan of Xishui will be proud again.

It's all right now, they don't need to retreat, they can continue to hit Xishui Chuxuan in the face.

After everyone discussed the following marching route, Yunfei did not let the army rest, but sent troops again.

As for the city he conquered before, Sima Feng has already taken over it.For Sima Feng, this is something that suits him.Before Xishui caused Donghua to destroy the country, now he can finally witness Xishui's footsteps in Donghua's footsteps.

When Xishui Chuxuan heard that Dazhao's army not only did not retreat, but went to the next city, his face turned green with anger.

He was so angry that he directly ordered: "Go, kill two of the merchants in Jozhao, and send the heads to the army of Jozhao. Tell them, if they don't retreat, we will kill all the merchants in Jozhao."

After receiving Xishui Chuxuan's order, his subordinates immediately went to the place where the Dazhao merchant was imprisoned, preparing to carry out the master's order.

But when they got to the place, Facai found that those Dazhao merchants had been rescued without knowing when.

Without a bargaining chip, how would they make Dazhao retreat?
While thinking about it, Xishui Chuxuan's subordinates quickly reported to Xishui Chuxuan.

"What did you say? The person disappeared?" Xishui Chuxuan asked with a gloomy expression, staring at his subordinates.Those people were locked up by him in a separate courtyard of the Prince's Mansion, guarded by soldiers, how could they suddenly disappear?

Could it be that there are enemies' spies in the prince's mansion?

(End of this chapter)

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