The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1689 Vicious means

Chapter 1689 Vicious Means ([-])

Thinking of this possibility, Xishui Chuxuan's complexion became more and more ugly, and he shouted loudly: "Check it out, let me check it out hard, and see who is cheating and letting those people go?"

Therefore, the people from Xishui Chuxuan quickly went down to investigate.But after checking and checking, no problem was found.

Unable to find the problem, Xishui Chuxuan became more and more annoyed, he couldn't find a way out of the breath in his heart, and went directly to trouble the person in charge of the guard.

In a fit of anger, he directly killed the person in charge.The poor person in charge was killed without even giving himself a chance to defend himself.

After killing the person in charge, Xishui Chuxuan asked people to investigate to see where the businessmen of Dazhao had gone.

But after some investigation, those people seemed to be missing, and they couldn't be found at all.This made Xishui Chuxuan even more angry, and then asked people to seal the shops of those merchants.

But I didn't want to, it was too late to close the shop, the shop had already closed.

Xishui Chuxuan went mad with anger, and once again vented his anger with his subordinates.

At this time, with the help of Yan Dian and Guimen, those merchants of Dazhao safely withdrew from Xishui and returned to Dazhao.

With no worries, Yunfei and the others let go of their hands and feet, attacking one Xishui city after another.

In a few days, five cities in Xishui were captured.

Seeing that the cities were captured by Dazhao one by one, but there was no movement from Xishui Chuxuan, Xishuihuang couldn't sit still, and called Xishui Chuxuan to him and scolded him severely.And give him three days to find a way to make Dazhao retreat.

After the imperial book was published, Xishui Chuxuan's face darkened.Emperor Xishui still doesn't know about Dazhao's businessman being rescued, otherwise it would be more than just scolding.

Now that the hostages are gone, how can he make Dazhao retreat?

Xishui Chuxuan thought as he walked, until he returned to the East Palace, he couldn't think of any good solution, and couldn't help being agitated for a while.

Seeing Xishui Chuxuan's frowning, the Chief Eunuch of the Eastern Palace couldn't help but feel worried.Then he told the eunuchs under him to keep them away from Xishui Chuxuan, so as not to be dragged into anger.

At this time, Xishui Chuxuan didn't know that even bigger troubles were coming.

Yunfei and his army are progressing smoothly, and good news is sent back to Dazhao every day.Seeing the success report, everyone in Dazhao Dynasty was extremely happy.

As long as Xishui is captured, Dazhao can unify the four kingdoms.

Yehuang was also very happy to hear the news.With Yunfei's siege, coupled with the means she used in business, this Xishui should fall faster than they imagined.

Thinking of this, Yehuang's mood became very happy.She put down the work at hand and decided to take the babies out of the palace for a stroll.

Speaking of which, she hadn't been back to the General's Mansion for a long time, so she just took the opportunity to go back and have a look.

Shangguan Yuntian heard that Yehuang was going to take the babies out of the palace to play, so he temporarily left those memorials behind without saying a word, and left the palace with their mother and son.

The family of four left the palace and went shopping first.

The people of Dazhao have long been accustomed to seeing the emperor and empress on the street.But it was the first time to see the babies with them.

Seeing the two exquisite milk dolls being hugged by the emperor and empress, the common people knew without guessing that they were the crown prince and the eldest princess.

So the people stopped and watched.In order to express their love for Liangbao, the small vendors on the roadside gave Liangbao some small gifts from the stalls.

(End of this chapter)

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