The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1690 Vicious means

Chapter 1690 Vicious means (five)

This surprised Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, and kept thanking them.

Unexpectedly, more and more people gave gifts, so Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian finally had to stop shopping and took the baby to the General's Mansion.

In the general's mansion, Ye Feng had already received the news that Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang were coming.Speaking of which, Ye Feng hasn't seen the two treasures for a long time.

However, because he has a precious grandson himself, he doesn't want to be reunited so much.Unlike when I was in the Prince's Mansion, I often went to see the two treasures.

Of course, Ye Feng can't be blamed for this, after all, they live in the palace now, and he enters the palace too often, which is not good.

So, counting carefully, since the babies were brought into the palace, he had only seen them twice.

Now, when he heard that the two treasures were coming, Ye Feng didn't even want his own grandson, and asked the nanny to take the grandson away, happily wanting to hug Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan.

Yehuang handed Yuanyuan to Ye Feng, and then couldn't help but asked without seeing Bai Luoyu, "Grandpa, where is my sister-in-law?"

"It's not a coincidence that you came today. She returned to her mother's house early in the morning. I don't know when she will come back, but I have sent someone to deliver a letter to her." Ye Feng replied while taking Yuanyuan.

Today, Bai Luoyu's natal elder brother went on a blind date, so she went back to have a look.No, I sent the child to him and asked him to help watch it.

Ye Feng was quite happy about taking care of his grandson, so after leaving the child behind, he sent Bai Luoyu away.

As for Ye Su, he was still in Xishui, attacking the city of Xishui with Yunfei and the others.

Besides, Bai Luoyu didn't sit at her mother's house for a long time before she received a letter saying that the four members of Yehuang's family were going back to the General's Mansion today.

So, she had no choice but to get up and say goodbye. She didn't even have time to see her brother's blind date, so she went back home.

Back in the mansion, seeing Yehuang, the two talked for a while.Although Bai Luoyu doesn't often enter the palace now, the two of them still can't finish talking when they sit together.

Seeing the two women talking speculatively, Shangguan Yuntian had no choice but to take the two treasures out to play.

Ye Feng also took his little grandson to play with the two treasures.

The family of four stayed in the General's Mansion for a few hours, had lunch, and talked with Ye Feng for a while, and then went back to the palace with the sleeping two treasures in their arms.

As soon as he returned to the palace, Shangguan Yuntian received the news from Xishui.After reading the news, Shangguan Yuntian's expression turned ugly.

It turned out that in order to prevent the Jokhang army from attacking the city, Xishui Chuxuan did not hesitate to blow up the embankment and flood the farmland and people with water.

"Yuntian, what's the matter?" Ye Huang placed the two treasures, looked up and saw Shangguan Yuntian walked in with a bad expression.

"Xishui Chuxuan is making trouble again." Shangguan Yuntian said while pulling Yehuang to sit down on the soft couch.

"What did he do to die again?" Yehuang's only impression of Xishui Chuxuan was that he could do it, and he still did it to death.So, when Shangguan Yuntian said, the only thing she could think of was that the other party was trying to kill him again.

"He ordered people to blow up the embankment and release water to stop the army, flooding a lot of farmland and people." Shangguan Yuntian briefly explained the news he received.

After Yehuang heard it, she couldn't find words to describe Xishui Chuxuan.

She really didn't understand how this man became the prince.It seems that the Xishui Emperor also has some problems in his mind, otherwise how could he make Xishui Chuxuan the crown prince?

The king thinks that the people are the first, and now he doesn't even want his own people?Still want to be king?Go dreaming.

(End of this chapter)

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