The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1691 Preemptive strike

Chapter 1691 Preemptive strike ([-])

"This Xishui Chuxuan really wanted to die!" In the end, Yehuang only said this.

Isn't this Xishui Chuxuan just trying to die?Blowing up the embankment can only stop Dazhao's army for a while, but not forever.But for the people of Xishui, it was a catastrophe.The fertile fields were flooded and their homes were destroyed. How will they live and live in the future?
Even, for some families, their loved ones were lost due to the flood, how could they not hate it?
"That's right!" Shangguan Yuntian was also speechless to Xishui Chuxuan, he was really drunk for being such a brainless prince.

Compared with Nangong Yueli, the prince of Nan'an, this Xishui Chuxuan is really not a star and a half, and he is not even interested in being an opponent.

"Is our army not damaged?" Ye Huang asked.

"Fortunately, the army is fine, it's just a delay of some time."

"That's good."

Dazhao's army is fine, this Xishui Chuxuan is completely stealing chickens and losing rice.Others cheated, but he cheated the common people.

Besides, on the side of Xishui, Yunfei led the army, because they had to stop to rest because the river embankment was bombed.I despise Xishui Chuxuan's behavior in my heart. In order to achieve my goal, I really use any means.

As for the people of Xishui, they looked at the destroyed homes and fertile fields with empty eyes, feeling desolate in their hearts.

A good home was destroyed, and they didn't even have a place to reason.

Yes, they hate war, but they hate their own people destroying their homeland even more.Therefore, compared with the large army of Jokhang, they hated those Xishui people who blew up the embankment.

Even when they knew that it was Xishui Chuxuan who gave the order, they immediately hated him.

The officials also complained about Xishui Chuxuan's actions, but he is the prince, and they are just courtiers, so even if they have opinions, they can't say anything.

As for Xishui Chuxuan himself, he felt a little complacent.Although he didn't let Dazhao's army retreat, he managed to stop their advancing speed, forcing them to stop and rest.

As for Emperor Xishui, after hearing what Xishui Chuxuan did, he no longer had any hope for him.Originally thought that the prince who was raised by himself was excellent, but he didn't think he was just a piece of shit.

He even thought of such a thing as blowing up the embankment. Isn't this self-destructing the Great Wall?
Therefore, Emperor Xishui didn't even want to talk about Xishui Chuxuan, and directly ordered him to be the crown prince.Those who come to intercede because of this will also be dismissed from office.

Xishui Chuxuan was stunned when he received the imperial decree from Emperor Xishui, and then he said to the eunuch who delivered the decree: "This is impossible, absolutely impossible. How could the father give up the position of the prince of this palace? "

The eunuch who delivered the decree didn't speak, but shook his head at Xishui Chuxuan, then handed over the imperial decree to Xishui Chuxuan, and left.

When the eunuch left, Xishui Chuxuan took the imperial decree and stood in a daze.He couldn't figure it out, how could he not be the prince all of a sudden?

He couldn't figure out what he did wrong.

No, he had to ask clearly what he did wrong and why his father wanted to let go of his crown prince.

Thinking about it, Xishui Chuxuan hurried out of the East Palace with the imperial decree and headed for the imperial study.

No, it turned out that he could easily enter the imperial study room, but this time, someone blocked the door.

"Eldest prince, the emperor has a decree, you can't go in."

"Go away, what eldest prince, I am the prince, the prince, understand?" Xishui Chuxuan immediately became angry when he heard the eunuch addressing him, and at the same time he kicked the other party fiercely, and shouted loudly up.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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