The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1692 Preemptive strike

Chapter 1692 Preemptive strike ([-])

Xishui Chuxuan's roar spread into the imperial study, making Xishuihuang frowned, and asked displeasedly, "Who is making noise outside?"

"If you go back to the emperor, it's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, oh no, it's the eldest prince." The eunuch who was serving replied cautiously.

Emperor Xishui was a little annoyed, he originally wanted Xishui Chuxuan to go back, but after thinking about it, he decided to let him in and say a few words.After all, Xishui Chuxuan was also cultivated by him, and he is his most beloved son.

"Yes!" The eunuch responded and walked out, then glanced at the eunuch who was kicked to the ground, and said, "The emperor announced that the eldest prince will enter the palace."

It's the eldest prince again.

Xishui Chuxuan became annoyed again, and opened his mouth to scold others, but on second thought, he held back temporarily.

Therefore, Xishui Chuxuan followed the eunuch into the imperial study room, then walked up to Emperor Xishui, knelt down, and said: "My son kowtows to the emperor."

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Emperor Xishui asked indifferently, his gaze swept across the imperial decree in Xishui Chuxuan's hand, and his eyes sank slightly.

"Father, what did I do wrong? Tell me, can't I reform? Why did you abolish my position as the crown prince?"

"Father, this minister was trained by you. If I do something wrong, you can beat and scold me. Please don't abolish my prince's position."

Xishuihuang looked at the son he had raised with his own hands, and his mood was very complicated.He really likes this son, otherwise he wouldn't have been established as a prince since he was a child, and he would have cultivated him himself.

But he didn't expect that the son who was cultivated so hard would be so disappointing in what he did.

After a long time, Emperor Xishui said a word, "No joke!"

"Father!" Xishui Chuxuan was stunned, looking at Xishuihuang for a long time without reacting.He was rejected?

"Come here, send the eldest prince out." Xishuihuang didn't look at the dazed Xishui Chuxuan again, but raised his voice and shouted to the outside.

After the sound fell, several guards came in, looked at Xishui Chuxuan who was still kneeling on the ground, and said, "Prince, I will send you back."

"Father, father!" Xishui Chuxuan looked up at Xishuihuang and shouted.However, Emperor Xishui waved at the guards without saying a word.

Xishui Chuxuan was carried out of the imperial study room by the guards, struggling non-stop.

Seeing him like this, the eunuchs guarding the imperial study couldn't help shaking their heads.His Royal Highness was so favored before, but now he has fallen to this point.

The imperial pet is really unreliable.

Xishui Chuxuan was carried away by the guards far away from the imperial study, so he let him go.

As soon as he was let go, Xishui Chuxuan wanted to run to the Imperial Study Room.However, he was stopped by the guards and said: "Prince, please don't make things difficult for us."

"Go away!" Xishui Chuxuan got annoyed and yelled.However, no matter how he yelled or made trouble, the guards did not back away.

In the end, I don't know if Xishui Chuxuan had had enough trouble and was tired, so he just sat on the ground and became dazed.

The guards looked at him like this and looked at each other, none of them dared to leave.

Xishui Chuxuan sat for a long time, then stood up, and then went back to the East Palace with blank eyes.

Back in the East Palace, he looked at the word 'East Palace' on the gate, and suddenly burst out laughing.Laughing, laughing, his tears welled up.

He is no longer the crown prince, and the East Palace cannot live here.

Just as he was thinking, the father-in-law beside Xishuihuang came over and said, "Prince, the emperor has a decree for you to move out of the East Palace immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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