The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1696 West Water Riot

Chapter 1696 West Water Riot ([-])

"You!" Xishui Chuxuan was so angry that he couldn't do anything except glaring at the other party.Let's fight, but you can't beat it.Scold, he doesn't know how to scold the street like a shrew.

Moreover, the feeling of being a prisoner again is really bad, he is going to collapse and go crazy.

However, no one wants to talk to him.

After poisoning, the man in black left and locked Xishui Chuxuan and his two subordinates again.

As soon as the man in black left, the door of the room was closed.Xishui Chuxuan looked at the two subordinates, thinking that he had been poisoned, but they were fine, and felt unbalanced again.

"Come here!" Xishui Chuxuan looked at one of them and told him to go in front of him.

That subordinate glanced at Xishui Chuxuan, hesitated for a moment, and walked up to him slowly.

"Kneel down!" Xishui Chuxuan ordered.

His subordinates were stunned for a moment, then knelt down in front of Xishui Chuxuan.

As soon as the opponent knelt down, Xishui Chuxuan stepped forward suddenly, first slapped the opponent several times, and then kicked the opponent several times.

That subordinate was beaten by Xishui Chuxuan, and he didn't react for a long time.The other subordinate was also taken aback, and stepped forward to support the companion who was kicked to the ground by Xishui Chuxuan and rolled a meter away, and asked, "His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"

"Damn you!" Xishui Chuxuan gritted his teeth and looked at the two of them. The poison on his body exploded at this moment, and there were bursts of pain, both uncomfortable and painful.

"Your Highness, what did we do wrong?"

"What did you do wrong?" Xishui Chuxuan pointed at the two of them, and said, "If you hadn't betrayed me, why would I be here?"

"His Royal Highness is wronged. We did nothing. We were arrested by them as soon as we left you today. How could we betray His Royal Highness?"

"Then tell me, why do they know what I said to you today?"

"This, my subordinates don't know. It's very likely that they sent someone to follow us secretly." The subordinate guessed, but Xishui Chuxuan didn't believe it at all, and said, "You still want to quibble?"

After finishing speaking, Xishui Chuxuan quickly walked up to the two of them, and then raised his hand again.

The two were beaten again, and they were immediately annoyed.For Xishui Chuxuan, they actually have opinions.It's just that the other party is their master, so they have been enduring it.

But now, Xishui Chuxuan is still their master, but his status is different.Like them, he is someone else's prisoner, and depending on what the other party wants, Xishui Chuxuan may not be able to get out.

Since they can't get out, why should they still suffer from this bird's anger?

Thinking of this, the two of them suddenly became bolder, and then they looked at each other and resisted together.They pushed Xishui Chuxuan first, and pushed him aside.

Now, it was Xishui Chuxuan who was stunned.These two dog slaves dared to take action against his master, aren't they too courageous?

As a result, his face darkened in an instant, and he looked at the two men with stern eyes, and asked, "The two of you don't want to live anymore, how dare you attack me?"

Hearing this, the two sneered and said, "Yes, you are right, we just don't want to live anymore. Anyway, we are all caught by others now, so it is not certain whether we can get out alive. Since we are all dead , why do we have to die so aggrieved?"

"That's right, so what if you are the master, aren't you just like us, all prisoners, and the same ones can't get out?"

(End of this chapter)

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