The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1697 West Water Riot

Chapter 1697 West Water Riot ([-])

"Shut up, shut up to me!" Xishui Chuxuan hated to hear others say that he was a prisoner, and he felt that all the shame in his life started from being a prisoner.

If he hadn't been a prisoner of Shangguan Yuntian back then, how could he have become what he is now?
Therefore, he hated the word prisoner to death.

"Why should we listen to you?" the two said.

The courage of these two people is getting bigger and bigger, and they don't take Xishui Chuxuan seriously any more.

"You've gone against the sky, haven't you? I'm your master, why don't you listen to me?" Xishui Chuxuan roared angrily, his heart was extremely irritable, and the poison on his body tortured him again.Now these two dog slaves are getting more and more daring, and they are so disrespectful to him.He wanted to kill, wanted to kill them.

"So what if it's our master? You can't protect yourself, and you still want to control us?" One of his subordinates retorted.

Xishui Chuxuan has been the prince for more than [-] years, when was he ridiculed by his slaves?
So, annoyed and hated, he waved his fist towards the two of them.

Seeing that Xishui Chuxuan wanted to hit them again, the two stopped immediately and fought back.So, the three of them quickly became a ball, you come and go, he is on top for a while, and he is on top again for a while.

The three of them kept rolling around in the room, their clothes were dirty and torn, their faces, noses, foreheads, and bodies were covered with bruises.

Biting, scratching, hitting, all kinds of scars were intertwined, and he didn't stop until he was tired from the beating.

However, when the three of them got into a group, the supplies in various towns of Xishui Kingdom became scarce, and the prices began to rise, and many things could not be bought even if they had money.

The price of rice, flour and food directly rose to sky-high prices, and they were still unavailable.As a result, the people began to go hungry.

One day, two days, three days, as time goes by, the people can't stand it.So, they ran to the government to make trouble, asking the government to open a warehouse to release grain.But the government didn't receive the order from above, so how dare they release the food.We had to let the yamen servants arrest or drive away the people who gathered at the gate to make trouble.

In this way, the hornet's nest was stabbed in an instant, and the people stopped working immediately, and clashed with the government servants.

They beat the yamen servants, broke through the yamen gate, rushed into the grain depot, and began to grab grain.

In order to protect the food, the people in the government once again clashed with the people and fought.Hitting and hitting, a scream rang out: "It's not good, I killed someone!"

As soon as the words 'beaten to death' came out, the matter became a big mess in an instant.When the common people saw that it was their own people who died, the common people were instantly angry. They rushed towards the servants, and the fight became more and more fierce.

The people in the government saw that this was not going to work, so they immediately asked for support and asked the generals defending the city to send troops to suppress it.

So, the officers and soldiers came and surrounded the government office.

As soon as the common people heard that the officers and soldiers had arrived, they stopped fighting and were about to leave carrying the looted food, but they were all blocked in front of the mansion.

"Put down the food!" The leader of the army looked at the people carrying the food and shouted.

But at this time, food is life, and the food that the people have finally grabbed, thinking of the mouths waiting to eat at home, no one dares to put it down.

"Say one more thing, general, put down the food." Seeing that everyone was indifferent, the general repeated it again.

Still, no one moved.While carrying the food, the common people looked at each other vigilantly, and confronted each other again.

(End of this chapter)

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