The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1825 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1825 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs ([-])
The woman stepped forward, took the clothes from Wang Xueluo, and helped her put them on again.

Things that were difficult in Wang Xueluo's hands were extremely easy in the hands of a woman.She quickly helped Wang Xueluo get dressed.

After getting dressed, seeing that Wang Xueluo's hair was also a little messy, the woman said to her, "Girl, let me comb your hair for you too."

"Thank you!" Wang Xueluo also knew that her hair was a little messy, but she didn't have a comb, and besides, she didn't know how to comb ancient hair, at most she could tie a ponytail.Now, someone helped her, so she was naturally happy.

The woman helped Wang Xueluo comb her hair, then opened the door, and said to the guard outside: "Guard Ah Yi, it's ready."

Hearing what the woman said, Ah Yi turned to look at Wang Xueluo.It is said that a man depends on his clothes, and a horse depends on his saddle.This Wang Xueluo looks much better with such a dress than before. With such a change of clothes, she looks like a lady from a big family.

Even though she was obviously wearing the clothes of a servant, she still looked like a daughter of a thousand gold.

"Girl, let's go!" Ah Yi said, and then took the lead to walk forward.Since the young master said that he wanted to interrogate, he naturally had to obey.

Wang Xueluo followed Ah Yi and walked forward.After walking for a while, I still didn't arrive at the place, so I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and asked, "Guard Ah Yi, where are you taking me?"

"Girl, you don't need to ask too much, you'll know when you get there." Ah Yi said while walking forward without stopping.

He directly took Wang Xueluo to the room where servants who made mistakes were interrogated, then stopped, turned to her and said, "Miss, we're here!"

"What is this place?"

"Interrogation room." Ah Yi replied, Wang Xueluo's expression changed, and then he remembered that before the pervert left, his opponent said he wanted to interrogate her.

She's not a spy, nor is she a villain. She's an interrogator.

Therefore, Wang Xueluo quit, and said to the guard Ah Yi: "I'm not a bad person, why should I be interrogated?"

"Girl, I'm sorry, I'm just following orders. Since the master has told me, the subordinates will naturally have to do it, so please don't make things difficult for me, girl."

"I'm embarrassing you?" Wang Xueluo's expression turned ugly, he glanced at the interrogation tools in the room, and said, "It's clear that you are embarrassing me."

"Girl, please cooperate. Otherwise, we have to be rough on the girl."

Wang Xueluo naturally knew what it meant to be rough, so he snarled and said, "How dare you!"

"It seems that the girl doesn't want to cooperate anymore!" Ah Yi's eyes were a little dark, and he looked at Wang Xueluo coldly.

"It's not that I don't cooperate. This girl has already said that I'm not a bad person. Besides, I also fell here unintentionally. Why don't you believe it?"

"Girl, how can we believe that you fell from the sky and appeared suddenly?" Ah Yi looked at Wang Xueluo and said, "After we ask, if the girl really has no problems, we will naturally let her go."

Hearing that Ah Yi said that he would let him go, Wang Xueluo thought about it and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"What I want to ask is, where did the girl come from and what is the purpose of coming here?"

"Where do I come from, you ask?"

Ah nodded.

Wang Xueluo was speechless, and said: "Where I come from, you won't understand even if I tell you. Let me tell you the truth, I am not from your place, I come from another time and space."

"I don't want to come here either, but I don't know why I just came here. Besides, I also want to go back now. Who wants to stay in this ghostly place if you want a mobile phone or a computer or a computer?"

 Thank you for the reward of changing my name, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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