The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1826 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1826 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs ([-])
"And your ancient times are not good at all, not to mention that women have no status. Men still have three wives and four concubines. There are a lot of women. I really can't stand it."

"Also, and also, I heard that women in ancient times thought their husbands were their heavens, and they didn't get out of the door, and they didn't step in. This is simply the restraint and destruction of women."

"Go help me and ask your master if he can let me go back. I really don't want to stay here anymore, it's too uncomfortable."

As soon as Wang Xueluo opened the chat box, she couldn't help complaining. She actually had a lot to say, but no one listened.

And these words, if she didn't say anything, she felt like she was going to be suffocated.Therefore, she directly regarded Hajime as the audience, and she started talking directly regardless of whether he could understand or not.

Now it was Ah Yi who was speechless, he looked at Wang Xueluo as if he was looking at a fool.Why are you in ancient times, making it as if she is really not from here.

What other mobile phones, computers, what the hell is this?He has never heard of it, who knows what it is.

So, after Wang Xueluo finished complaining, Ah Yi looked at her and asked, "Girl, have you finished?"

"It's over, what's the matter? Are you going to report to your master? Go, go, and then you must ask him for me if there is any way for me to go back."

"Girl!" Ah Yi yelled, then looked at her seriously and said, "Please answer my question seriously, girl."

"Why am I not serious?" Wang Xueluo blinked her eyes in confusion. She is already serious enough, isn't she?

Could it be that Ah Yi's guard felt that she was joking and not telling the truth?No, she's telling the truth.

Sure enough, people who are not contemporaries, the generation gap is really big.I don't know if there is anyone here who is as unlucky as her and came here, if there is, it will be great.In this case, she is considered a fellow villager, and she will not play the piano to the cow when she talks.

"Girl, I have never heard of what you said, and I don't understand it. So please tell me seriously, where is your hometown?"

"My hometown is too far away, you don't even know it."

"Forget it, forget it, I'll tell you directly, lest you think I'm lying to you. I come from a place called Earth, and my country is called China, which is a big country with a population of 13 billion."

"Earth, China?"


Wang Xueluo nodded, looked at Ah Yi's frowning, and said with some frustration, "I've already told you, you definitely don't know about that place. Let's not talk about you, your master probably doesn't know." I don't know, so don't ask."

Ah Yi took a deep look at Wang Xueluo, seeing that she didn't look like she was lying, but she didn't continue to struggle with this question. Instead, she changed the question and asked, "Girl, what is the purpose of your coming here?" What?"

"Purpose? What purpose can I have?" When Wang Xueluo mentioned this, she was filled with resentment, and said, "I was cheated by God."

"Girl, please answer seriously."

"I'm very serious. I was really cheated by the thief God, who somehow sent me here."

However, Ah Yi didn't believe Wang Xueluo's words at all. He looked at Wang Xueluo and said, "Girl, please tell the truth, I don't want to punish you."

"Why don't you believe it? I'm telling the truth. Really, if what I said is false, then let me never go back."

 Two more complete!

(End of this chapter)

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