The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1827 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1827 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs ([-])
Wang Xueluo even said what he swore, but Ah Yi still didn't believe it, looked at her and said, "Girl, I'm sorry!"

"Guard Ah Yi, what do you want to do?" Wang Xueluo was startled, and looked at him warily.

"Since the girl doesn't cooperate, I have no choice but to torture you."

After Ah Yi finished speaking, he turned around and went to get the instrument of torture placed aside.

Wang Xueluo became anxious when he saw it, and said: "Wait, guard Ah Yi, how could you do this? I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe it?"

"Girl, don't say it's me, even if it's anyone else, I won't believe your words, okay?"

"Go and call your master, I'll talk to him in person." Wang Xueluo felt that instead of talking nonsense with Ah Yi here, it's better to talk to his master directly.

"You want to see the young master?"

"That's right, I want to talk to him in person." Wang Xueluo nodded, she had to have a good talk with that man, and she wanted to leave.She doesn't want to stay here forever.

Ah Yi glanced at Wang Xueluo for a while, then nodded and went out.

However, when he left, he locked the door because he was afraid that Wang Xueluo would run away.

When Wang Xueluo saw that the door was locked, there was no way to escape, so he found a chair and sat down.Fortunately, although this is a training room, there is still a chair inside.

After sitting down, she felt a little hungry.It has been about six or seven hours since the group of them discovered the cave, and now it is no wonder they are not hungry.

Wang Xueluo rubbed his stomach, thinking for a while whether he could ask them for something to eat.

Beichen Jiuge was dealing with some matters in the study. After hearing Ah Yi's report, he frowned and said, "She wants to see me?"

"Yes, young master, she said she can only speak when she sees you."

Beichen Jiuge thought for a while, and decided to meet Wang Xueluo and see what she wanted to say.So, he told Ah Yidao: "Take her to the side hall."

Ah Yi responded, then went to the interrogation room and brought Wang Xueluo to the side hall.

"Girl, wait a moment, our young master will come right away." Ah Yi asked Wang Xueluo to wait, and went to find Beichen Jiuge by himself.

Not long after, Beichen Jiuge came back with Ah Yi, glanced at Wang Xueluo who was waiting in the hall, saw her changed into the clothes he was used to, and immediately felt much more pleasing to the eye.

"I heard you want to see me?" Beichen Jiuge sat down on the main seat, then glanced at Wang Xueluo, and asked.

"Yes, I want to talk to you." Wang Xueluo nodded, and looked up at Beichen Jiuge, this time she didn't go crazy.

Seeing that Wang Xueluo no longer looked at him like a nympho, Beichen Jiuge's complexion improved a lot, and he asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"My son, it's like this. I have no intention of breaking into this place, and I don't have any purpose. I want to ask you to let me go."

"Break in here unintentionally? What do you mean?" Beichen Jiuge frowned again, looking at Wang Xueluo, he didn't quite understand the meaning of her words.

"I told you, maybe you won't believe it. I'm not from your place. I come from another time and space." Although Wang Xueluo felt that Beichen Jiuge might not believe it, she still decided to tell the truth.

One is because she doesn't want to lie, and the other is that she feels that the lie will be discovered sooner or later.Moreover, she didn't know anything about this place, even if she lied, she couldn't tell.

"Not from here, come from another time and space?" Beichen Jiuge was taken aback, and suddenly thought of what Ye Huang said before, so he asked, "Then tell me, what are you in that time and space?" thing?"

 Thanks for the reward that allowed me to change my name, thank you!However, I am not feeling well today, so I will change it.

(End of this chapter)

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