The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1854 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1854 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs (34)

If Beichen Jiuge knew that Wang Xueluo thought of him this way, he would definitely defend himself loudly, "No, it's not what you think."

Wang Xueluo washed up and went to bed to rest.But lying on the bed, she couldn't sleep.She thought of the scene at the meal, and the sweet interaction between Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian before.

Thinking about myself who is still a loner, besides envy, I still envy.Today, she is 25 years old. Although she has talked with one or two boyfriends, none of them have been dating for a month.

Because the time of dating was too short, she didn't feel in love at all, let alone feel the sweetness of a lover.

Now, I have traveled to this ancient time again, and I don't know who will be my true son.

As Wang Xueluo thought about it, the face of Beichen Jiuge flashed in his mind.Thinking of him, Wang Xueluo immediately interrupted, and said to himself secretly: "He is someone else's man, I will never think too much about him, let alone have feelings for him."

After building up his mind, Wang Xueluo slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

However, she didn't know that when she was thinking about Beichen Jiuge, Beichen Jiuge was also thinking about her.

Although, he didn't have a good impression of Wang Xueluo at the beginning, especially when they first met, she was dressed so offensively and fell into the hot spring pool where he bathed.It almost made him think that she came out of a brothel.

It wasn't until later that he realized that Wang Xueluo didn't come out of a brothel, and she didn't dress like that on purpose, but because her hometown dressed like that.

With the contact with Wang Xueluo, he discovered that she had many advantages that other women did not have.For example, she is self-reliant, optimistic, informal, laughs when she is happy, and yells when she is unhappy, all of which make him feel novel and special.

Later, her ability to handle accounts made him even more impressed.She can handle dozens of books in one morning, but if it is someone else, it will be impossible in a few days.

The more Beichen Jiuge thought about it, the more Beichen Jiuge felt that Wang Xueluo was good, and he thought about asking her in the morning, so as not to have long dreams at night.Once Wang Xueluo's special was known by other men, he would have many rivals in love.

Therefore, before Wang Xueluo got in touch with more excellent men, he had to take her down and give her the surname of Beichen.

Early the next morning, Beichen Jiuge, who hadn't slept all night, got up early.He didn't get up to practice, but went directly to the place where Wang Xueluo lived and waited.

He planned to look for Wang Xueluo as soon as he woke up, and then ask her if she would like to be with him.

Standing outside Wang Xueluo's bedroom, Beichen Jiuge was a little excited, but also a little nervous.For the first time, he, who was always calm, felt uneasy.

He kept walking up and down in the main hall outside, while waiting for Wang Xueluo to come out.

The person serving Wang Xueluo saw that Beichen Jiuge had come early, and while beckoning him to sit down and wait, he went into the room to see if Wang Xueluo was awake.

When they saw that Wang Xueluo had woken up, they immediately stepped forward and waited for her to get up, while saying to her: "Miss Wang, Young Master Beichen is here."

"Beichen Jiuge?" Wang Xueluo was stunned, unable to react for a long time.What time is it? It's not even seven o'clock, why is Beichen Jiuge here?
Could it be that he has something to do with her?
Thinking of this, Wang Xueluo was afraid that Beichen Jiuge would be in a hurry, so he asked the palace maid in charge of combing her hair to hurry up.

 I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!As for dog food?Ranran received flowers for the first time in his life, does this count?
(End of this chapter)

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