The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1855 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1855 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs (35)

After hearing her words, the maids snickered and said, "Miss, are you very suitable for Young Master Beichen?"

"What?" Wang Xueluo didn't understand for a while, what the hell is a good match?

"Girl, let's say that you and Young Master Beichen are talented and beautiful." Another court lady explained with a smile, making Wang Xueluo stare at them with wide eyes.

Now, she finally understood.These people dare to think that she and Beichen Jiuge are a couple, but unfortunately they think too much.

Beichen Jiuge probably already has a wife, she doesn't want to be that mistress.Therefore, Wang Xueluo glanced at several people, and said: "You guys think too much, you can't say this anymore. If the wife of Young Master Beichen finds out, it will be troublesome."

After hearing Wang Xueluo's words, the maids stopped their movements, looked at her together, and asked, "Miss Wang, you don't know, do you?"

"Know what?" Wang Xueluo was puzzled, looking at the court ladies, wondering what they meant.

"Young Master Beichen is not married!" said an impatient court lady.

"Not married?" Wang Xueluo was startled, unable to react.After a while, she asked: "Didn't you guys get married when you were in your teens here? Young Master Beichen is already 27 or [-], how come you didn't get married?"

"Miss Wang, you don't know. Young Master Beichen is not from our place, he is from Wusai City. I heard that there is a rule in Wusai City that a man must be 20 years old to get married. "

"No, even if the people in Wubei City don't get married until they are 20 years old, but the young master Beichen is already in his 20s. Could it be that he has never been married?"

"Of course. We have heard that Young Master Beichen has high vision and has never met a girl he likes, so he has never been married. And we have also heard that Young Master Beichen pursues a lifetime of a couple."

"Where did you hear all this?" Wang Xueluo was a little speechless. Since Beichen Jiuge is not from this side, where did the women in the news palace hear about it?
"Naturally, we have our channels. In short, Miss Wang, you can rest assured that Young Master Beichen is definitely not married."

"That's right, I heard that the empress is worried about this matter. I also thought about marrying the noble daughters in the Forbidden City to the young master Beichen. However, the young master Beichen is far away, and the noble ladies here may not I would love to go that far.”

"Plus, Young Master Beichen rarely comes here, so let's just let this matter go."

"Slaves and servants really heard that Patriarch Beichen specially wrote a letter to Empress Empress this time, asking her to decide to find a marriage for Young Master Beichen."

While the maids were talking about Beichen Jiuge's gossip, their hands kept moving.After a short while, she helped Wang Xueluo comb her hair.

After dressing up, Wang Xueluo got up and went to the main hall outside to meet Beichen Jiuge.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Beichen Jiuge, who was walking back and forth with his head slightly lowered, suddenly raised his head, and saw that Wang Xueluo's eyes were full of surprise.

For some reason, ever since Wang Xueluo dressed up that time, he felt like she was a different person.

The facial features, which are obviously not very bright, make people unable to move their eyes away.

Perhaps this is the so-called beauty in the eye of the beholder, but Beichen Jiuge didn't notice it himself.

"Young Master Beichen!" Wang Xueluo blessed Beichen Jiuge's body, which was regarded as a salute.

"Miss Wang!" Beichen Jiuge also bowed back, then stood still and looked at her.

"Young Master Beichen, why did you come here so early in the morning to find Xueluo?"

 Thank you for your company over the past year, thank you!In the new year, I hope you will continue to support Ranran.However, I would like to wish you a happy new year!In good health!May all go well with you!May all your wishes come true!
(End of this chapter)

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