The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 203 Bloody Battle City Gate

Chapter 203 Bloody Battle City Gate ([-])
Shangguan Yuntian was speechless, staring at those big soldiers, not knowing what to say.

Fortunately, his depressed mood didn't last long, and the soldiers from Beimo came to attack the city again.There are many people in Beimo, and each wave changes a group of people.

The soldiers who were beaten down in the wave just retreated to rest in the army, and a new wave of soldiers came.Newcomers and new motivation, each of them is as brave as a wolf and a tiger, and they are as brave as ever, vowing to break through the city gate.

Fortunately, the soldiers defending the city have also changed a group of people. Otherwise, with the bravery of the Beimo soldiers, it is very likely that they will break through.

The enemy attacked the city again, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian didn't say much, and led the soldiers to meet the enemy again.As for Yang Song, they persuaded him to go down to the tower to rest.

The defenders have changed a group of people, and with their admiration for Ye Huang, their combat effectiveness is absolutely overwhelming.They raised their hands one by one, but howled like wolves.

Of course, the reason why they were so brave was not only because they wanted to guard the city gate, but more because of the presence of the hero Yehuang.

That's right, Ye Huang was definitely a hero in the eyes of the soldiers sent by the East Gate.They witnessed with their own eyes that the head of the enemy general was taken out of Yehuang's million-strong army.

Even though two or three hours had passed since this incident, they would always be very excited whenever they thought of the scene where Yehuang took the head of the enemy army.

What's more, Yehuang is now fighting the enemy just like them.In their eyes, it is a supreme honor to fight side by side with heroes.

Therefore, all of them were high-spirited and excited.

As for the reinforcements transferred from other places, although they don't know about Yehuang taking the head of the enemy general among millions of troops.But seeing the soldiers at the east gate working so hard and being so brave, no matter how far behind they were, they also stood up bravely one by one.

In this way, the defenders seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and Shangguan Yuntian couldn't help but look at them with admiration.

He killed the Beimo soldiers who had climbed up the city wall with a sword, and Shangguan Yuntian curiously asked Yehuang beside him, "What happened to them today?"

Before Yehuang could reply, she saw a soldier climbing up and about to attack Shangguan Yuntian.A silver light flashed on his fingertips, and he was reminded: "When facing the enemy, concentrate on it!"

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, and stopped talking, focusing on dealing with the Beimo army that climbed up one after another.

Ten minutes later, the number of Beimo soldiers climbing up the city wall was much smaller, and the corpses under the wall were much taller.If this continues, it won't be long before the Beimo soldiers will be able to climb the city wall without using ladders.

Yehuang poked her head out of the city wall, looked at the pile of corpses at the base of the city wall, and frowned.

The corpses below must be dealt with quickly, otherwise the enemy will come up by stepping on the bones.

"Come on!"

Yehuang yelled, and Huo who was closest to her ran over.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

"Go back to the small courtyard and ask Mu Fei to bring my medicine box."

Many defenders died and many more were injured.Bring the medicine box, and she can take advantage of the rest time to help them treat their wounds and so on.

More importantly, there is corpse water in her medicine box, which can effectively and quickly deal with the corpses under the city wall.

Huo received the order and hurriedly left the tower.After a while, he came back with Mu Fei and the medicine box.

After taking the medicine box, Yehuang took out the corpse water and was about to deal with the corpses, but was blocked by Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "Little Huang'er, you were very tired before, go rest, leave this kind of matter to me." I'm fine."

(End of this chapter)

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