The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 204 Bloody Battle City Gate

Chapter 204 Bloody Battle City Gate ([-])
While talking, Shangguan Yuntian wanted to take what Yehuang was holding.

"It's okay, just pour some corpse water, it won't tire me." Yehuang smiled and shook her head, but didn't give anything to Shangguan Yuntian.

He was very tired, so why not Shangguan Yuntian?

"Little Huang'er, be obedient!" Shangguan Yuntian frowned, and went to grab the corpse water from Yehuang's hand again.

Mu Fei on the side couldn't stand the way the two of them were scrambling back and forth, so he snatched the small porcelain bottle from Yehuang's hand and said, "Boss, King Yun, both of you should go to rest. We should deal with this kind of thing." Let me do it."

With that said, he walked out of the tower, came to the corridor, and looked down with his head.

When he saw the pile of corpses under the city wall, his face turned pale.Although he had been clamoring to follow Yehuang to the battlefield before, when he actually saw these corpses, he was still terrified.

Even though he had known the cruelty of war for a long time, when he faced it, he realized that war was far more cruel than he imagined.

Looking at the corpses under the city wall, Mu Fei endured heart palpitations and nausea, uncorked the bottle with trembling hands, and poured out the liquid inside.

This bottle of corpse water was specially prepared by Ye Huang to dissolve the corpses on the battlefield, and it was also concentrated.Just one drop can dissolve hundreds of corpses.

Therefore, Mu Fei didn't dare to pour too much, and changed the place after pouring a drop.Dozens of drops of potion went down, and the corpses under the city wall instantly turned into blood.

The strong smell of blood wafted in the air, making Ye Huang, who had sat down to rest on the tower, frowned again.Stretching out his hand, he took out a small bottle of white jade from his body, and said to the fire beside him, "Sprinkle a few drops of this into the air."

Without further ado, Huo took the vial and left the tower, spilling the liquid in the vial into the air.

As the liquid in the vial spilled out, a faint fragrance floated in the air, instantly covering up the smell of blood.

Smelling the fragrance, the faces of the soldiers on the tower improved a lot, and they sniffed one by one.

The smell of blood just now made them almost vomit, but fortunately, this fragrance came in time, which not only suppressed their urge to vomit, but also made them refreshed and full of energy.

Dispelling the smell of blood in the air, Huo saw Mu Fei who was still standing in the corridor, staring at the dazed Mu Fei under the city wall, and walked over.

"Hey, Mu Fei, what are you in a daze for?" Huo touched Mu Fei lightly, and he came back to his senses, turned to look at Huo, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, why are you in a daze?" Huo shook his head and asked again.

As soon as she finished speaking, she noticed Mu Fei's pale face and couldn't help worrying, "What's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?"

"No, it's nothing?" Mu Fei was afraid of being angry and laughed at her, but he dared to admit that he turned pale when he saw those corpses and couldn't accept it for a while.

"It's really all right?" Huo looked at Mu Fei suspiciously, and while reaching out to touch his forehead, he said, "Why don't you let the boss show you?"

"No need, it will be fine in a while." Mu Fei shook his head and looked away from under the city wall.

"Really no need?" Huo confirmed again.Mu Fei is not willing, and she will not force it.

"No need!" Mu Fei nodded affirmatively.Just kidding, Huo is not afraid of a woman, what is he afraid of as a big man?
Thinking of this, Mu Fei's complexion improved a little, and he felt a lot more comfortable.Put away the corpse water, glanced at the soldiers sitting on the ground resting, and made a decision in my heart.

 Continue at night!
(End of this chapter)

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