The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 205 Bloody Battle City Gate

Chapter 205 Bloody Battle City Gate ([-])
Together with them, he wants to guard Yaocheng and the thousands of people in the city.

Thinking of this, Mu Fei followed the fire into the tower and came to Ye Huang.

"Boss, I'm not going back, I want to fight with you." Mu Fei looked at Yehuang and said seriously.He came to Yaocheng with Yehuang, originally to go to the battlefield.

But because of his father, although Yehuang brought him by his side, he was unwilling to let him take risks.Therefore, whether it was the attack on the enemy camp last night or the defense of the city today, he did not directly participate in the action.

Mu Fei knew that Yehuang was doing it for his own good, so he followed her orders and never said much.But at this time, when he saw the corpses below the city and the solemn soldiers sitting and resting on the city wall, his thoughts changed.

He felt that, like them, he should guard Yaocheng and make contributions.

"Are you sure?" Ye Huang took a deep look at Mu Fei and asked lightly.She always knew what Mu Fei was thinking, but because Mu Zong didn't want him to go to the battlefield, even if she brought him out, she only gave him some logistical work, and didn't let him go to the battlefield to fight the enemy like they did.

"Sure!" Mu Fei nodded earnestly. Ye Huang and Huo Feng's team are both on the battlefield as women, how can he hide behind as a man?

"Okay, since you have decided, then defend the city with us for a while." Ye Huang did not refuse, and at this time one more person would give more strength.

"Thank you, boss!" Mu Fei thanked happily, and then went out of the tower to treat the wounds of the wounded soldiers with Xue.

Originally, Yehuang planned to do it herself, but Shangguan Yuntian couldn't bear her to continue to work hard, so he dragged her to rest in the tower.

Again and again, they failed to capture the city gate, which annoyed the Beimo army.Especially those generals, watching their soldiers decrease little by little, seeing them go and never return, they are very angry.

But it's useless to be angry, it's too early to say anything if you can't attack the city gate.

As a last resort, the commander-in-chief of the army held an impromptu meeting to discuss ways to attack the city.

Just now they launched no less than ten attacks, but each time they fell short and were defeated by the defenders.If this continues, even if they launch another ten or twenty attacks, they may not be able to win the city gate.

What should I do?
The East and North armies had already lost and retreated to the camp.Could it be that they have to return to the camp?
If that's the case, it's a joke to them. More than 20 people attacked the city, but they couldn't beat the 3 or [-] defenders. This is a shame for the invincible Beimo Cavalry.

The meeting was held, and some generals advocated continuing to attack the city, while others advocated retreating.The two sides expressed their views, and the discussion was quite intense, but it was not the result that Commander Zhang Qian wanted.

He called the meeting to let everyone think of a good way to effectively and quickly capture the city gate, and possibly reduce damage.

But those generals obviously didn't understand what he meant, which annoyed him very much.

"Shut up!" Zhang Qian slammed the table violently and shouted, "I asked you to come to discuss how to attack the city, not to quarrel."

As soon as Zhang Qian spoke, the generals shut their mouths instantly, and there was no sound in the tent.

"Why, are you all dumb?" Looking at the silent subordinates, Zhang Qian became angry again.

(End of this chapter)

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