The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 207 Bloody Battle City Gate

Chapter 207 Bloody Battle City Gate ([-])
At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and Yang Song led a group of soldiers walking up with buckets.

As they moved, water overflowed inside.

"What are you?" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian in confusion, with a big question mark in his mind.

"The fire on those arrowheads is very small, and these logs won't burn at all after being poured into the water." Shangguan Yuntian explained, then turned his head to watch Yang Song lead the people to throw all the water on the tower.

Soon, the entire city tower was covered with water, and the corridors became wet.At the same time, the rocket hit the city tower again, but because the wood was already wet, it didn't ignite, on the contrary, it went out quickly.

The enemy's rockets had no effect, Ye Huang relaxed and focused on dealing with the soldiers who climbed the wall.This time, the escalator is still the main one.But in addition to the escalator, there are also the ropes that are thrown upwards.

Looking at the ropes that were thrown up the tower from time to time, the corners of Yehuang's mouth slightly raised, a wicked light flashed quickly in her eyes, and then she whispered a few words to Xue and the others.

Under Ye Huang's order, Xue led her teammates to stare at the enemy's ropes.Whenever they saw the rope being thrown up the tower, members of the Snow Leopard team immediately stepped forward and pulled the rope up with their hands.

At the beginning, the Beimo soldiers were a little happy to see someone pulling the rope, and they climbed up the city wall one by one with the strength of the pull.

However, when they came up, there was already a big knife waiting for them.At the same time, the ropes they had carefully prepared were snatched away.

Because of the limited time before, the Beimo soldiers did not prepare too many ropes, only dozens of them, and Xue and others quickly snatched them all.

Killing people, seizing the rope, Xue and others are very handy.

After collecting all the ropes, they brought them to Ye Huang together.

Yehuang looked at the rope in front of her, looked carefully, and a light flashed in her eyes.The rope is more than 20 meters long, with a hook tied to the head, which is similar to the rope used for rock climbing today.

She picked up one of them again, pulled it, and tried the toughness, and it was quite good.The smile on Yehuang's face grew a little bit, and she returned the things to Xue, saying, "Keep this thing, it may be used in the future."

Xue heard the words, put away her things, then turned around and threw herself into the city defense again.

Without the rope, the Beimo army could only rely on the escalator to climb up little by little.

Looking at the Beimo soldiers who were not afraid of death climbing up the city wall, the defenders were furious.Without waiting for them to climb up, they directly lifted the stones that had been prepared and threw them at them.

Stones fell to the ground, people fell to the ground, and there were screams.

Some were hit on the head, some were hit on the body, their limbs were broken, and blood flowed horizontally.

The soldiers in Beimo climbed the wall without fear of death, and the defenders smashed it desperately.

Finally, the enemy's No.11 siege failed again.

Looking at the retreating soldiers, Zhang Qian's face was extremely ugly.I thought that with the help of rockets and ropes, the siege would be much easier this time, but I didn't want to fail again.

The rope was snatched and the rocket was useless, which really pissed him off.

Damn it, are they really unable to take down this city gate today?

He doesn't believe it, no matter how much it costs, he must win it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qian issued the military order again, ordering all the soldiers to attack the city together, even if it was smashed, he would smash the city wall and smash a hole in the city gate.

Didn't he just believe that with Beimo's 20 troops, it would be impossible to break through a city gate guarded by only 2 people?
(End of this chapter)

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