The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 208 Bloody Battle City Gate

Chapter 208 Bloody Battle City Gate ([-])
Zhang Qian became ruthless and determined to break through the city gate.The Beimo soldiers were also furious, rushing towards the city gate like a tide.

Seeing the Beimo army rushing in, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian's expressions were very bad.The faces of the defenders were even more ugly, and they felt that the Beimo army was simply crazy.

After killing so many of them, they still want to attack the city.Damn, is this the rhythm to crush them?


They are not afraid. It is an honor for a real man to die in battle, shrouded in horse leather.

So, you bastards of Beimo, come on, grandpa will send you to meet the King of Hades.

The guard looked at the approaching enemies with a calm expression, quietly waiting for the final fight.Even if they are going to die today, they still need to kill a few more enemies.

"Little Huang'er, I'm afraid this city gate can't be defended anymore, what should we do?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at the Beimo army rushing madly, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Even if there are thousands of strategies, there is nothing to do in the face of the enemy's strength, which is dozens of times higher.

"No, I will definitely defend it." Yehuang looked at the enemy with a cold expression.Since Bei Mo's army is so ignorant, she can only be cruel again.

"You have a solution?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Yehuang's face was expressionless, and she faintly uttered a word, "Poison!"

She was already guilty enough of using fire to attack, so she didn't want to use poison at first.But right now, if it is no longer used, then the city gate will really be broken.

Once the city is broken, Yehuang will know the consequences clearly.Therefore, this city gate must not be broken, it must be guarded, otherwise it will definitely be the people of Yaocheng, the people of Dazhao who will suffer.

Now, the enemy has a large number of troops, and the defenders will never be an opponent, so she can only use extraordinary means.Fortunately, she was well prepared before coming and brought a lot of poison.

It stands to reason that things like poison should not be used on these soldiers, but she can't care so much about this situation now.

Turning around, Yehuang returned to the tower, found the medicine box that Mu Fei had brought earlier, opened the lid on it, and tapped the box a few more times.

Following her movements, several small boxes popped up in the medicine box, and there were several black medicine bottles in each box.

Black, the color specially prepared by Yehuang for poison.

Yehuang picked out a bottle of poison with relatively high toxicity, turned around and left the tower.Standing in the corridor, she looked at the Beimo army who had approached the city wall with killing intent all over her body.

"Come on, get some hot water."

Following Yehuang's order, Xue brought the buckets of hot water that the brothers had quickly obtained, and put them in front of Yehuang.

Ye Huang opened the black bottle, poured the potion inside into the bucket, and then had someone pour hot water on the city wall.

Under the cover of the archers, hot water splashed the entire city wall and gate.In the blink of an eye, the city walls were drenched. If you look carefully, you will find that the city walls that have been splashed with hot water are emitting a faint blue light.

Bei Mo's army quickly approached the city wall, carrying escalators and door rams.At the same time, they also discovered the difference between the city wall and the previous one, so they immediately reported it to the coach Zhang Qian.

"General, the Jokha people don't know what they have painted on the city wall, should they continue to attack the city?"

"Painted something?" Zhang Qian was a little surprised when he heard that, and looked up in the direction of the city gate.At a glance, he saw the wet and steaming city gate.

"What the hell are the Jokha people doing?" Zhang Qian frowned and asked the lieutenants beside him.

Seeing that they are about to attack the city, what is the opponent trying to do at this time?
 Continue at night!
(End of this chapter)

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