The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 222 Military Advisor Cloud Night

Chapter 222 Military Advisor Yun Ye ([-])

"It's like this. The villain brought a lot of silk and satin this time. Can the two of you sell the villain some face, half of each person, okay?"

"Half, a little less." Housekeeper Xiao frowned first. Pingyang Marquis Mansion had a lot of people, and they had to send some of them to the palace. Half was indeed a little less.

"That's right, our family also thinks it's a little less." Eunuch Wang also said afterwards, although he didn't need to give away his silk and satin, but the imperial concubine's clothes were changed three times a day, so it was not enough.

Hearing that both of them thought it was too little, Cang opened his mouth and said, "I brought dozens of horses this time, how could it be less. Even if you are half of each, you can get twenty or thirty horses, which is quite a lot. What's more, after a while, other merchants will come over, are you afraid that there will be no silks and satins?"

Listening to Cang's words, both of them thought it was reasonable.Going forward, he roughly counted the number of silks and satins, and sure enough, as Cang said, it was indeed quite a lot.

In addition, he said that it won't be long before the goods will arrive, and his heart begins to loosen.

However, they were still a little uneasy, so they asked: "Brother, you didn't lie to us, it won't be long before the goods will indeed be delivered?"

"Elder-in-law, don't worry, the younger one dares to lie to the father-in-law. When the younger one came, he did hear that some merchants were stockpiling goods, and he was about to come here."

Steward Xiao and Eunuch Wang looked at each other and reached an agreement invisibly.

"Since there are still goods coming later, then you divide the goods, and we each have half."

Hearing that the two agreed, Cang immediately asked people to separate the goods.In order to thank the two for their face, he specially gave one of them a horse.

Seeing Cang so generously gifting him a piece of silk, Housekeeper Xiao and the prince were overjoyed and praised Cang for his ability to handle affairs.

After the two paid the deposit and asked Cang to send someone respectively, they left the small courtyard directly.

When the two left, Cang gave a few words to the team members, telling them to be careful when collecting information, and don't let people see the clues, and send the goods to two places in two ways.

But at this time, Yaocheng, the General's Mansion, and Ye Feng, after learning about Yun Ye's performance when defending the city, praised him greatly. In addition, she saved his life again, so he made a decision in his heart.

So, Ye Feng sent someone to find Xue and asked him to invite Ye Huang to come and see her.

Hearing Xue's message, Ye Huang went directly to the General's Mansion to see Ye Feng without saying a word.

Seeing Ye Feng, he looked good, and at the same time relieved, he asked, "I don't know why the general is looking for Yun Ye?"

"Mr. Yun, the old man has heard about your deeds of defending the city yesterday. I didn't expect that Mr. Yun is not only superb in medicine, but also unparalleled in wisdom and courage."

"It's just a small skill, why should the general take it to heart?" Yehuang said lightly, not feeling that she had done anything extraordinary.

Speaking of which, she was able to succeed yesterday, it was just by surprise and luck.

"Mr. Yun is humble. You were able to defend Yaocheng yesterday, and you have made great contributions. Right now, the old man's body will not be able to go to the battlefield in a short time, so I have a merciless request, and I ask you to agree."

"General, please tell me, as long as Yun Ye can find a way, he will definitely not refuse." Ye Huang took a deep look at Ye Feng and replied seriously.

Even though she had a grudge against Ye Feng, she couldn't refuse his request.

"I want to hire you as a military adviser, what do you want?" Ye Feng glanced at Ye Huang and said with a smile.

Ye Huang was taken aback, and asked, "The general is joking?"

She never thought that Ye Feng would ask this question.Military division, that is sitting in the army and planning strategies.

And how can she make Ye Feng value her so much?

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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