The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 223 Provoking Discord

Chapter 223 Sowing discord ([-])

Ye Feng looked at Ye Huang with a serious face, and said very seriously: "Do you think this old man is joking?"

"Isn't it?" Yehuang asked back.Of course she knew that Ye Feng couldn't joke, but she still couldn't believe this kind of thing.

"Mr. Yun, you don't need to doubt the sincerity of this general. With your ability, you are more than enough to be a military advisor. What, you still say you dare not?" Ye Feng looked at Ye Huang with sincerity on his face.In order to get her to agree, she even used the method of provocation.

"The general loves you." Ye Huang smiled, but was not fooled.

Ye Feng looked at Ye Huang and didn't express it. He stared at her for a long time before praising her again: "Young master, you are not surprised by honor or disgrace, you are so determined."

After finishing speaking, he was afraid that Ye Huang would disagree, and then persuaded him: "Young Master is very clear about the situation in Yaocheng now. Both Ye Su and I were injured, and it was all supported by Yang Song. Although King Yun secretly helped , but after all, the name is not right and the words are not right. Could it be that the young master has the heart to watch Yaocheng be breached, and the people in the city to be trampled by Beimo soldiers?"

Ye Feng was moved with emotion and reason, making it difficult for Ye Huang to refuse.Besides, she occupied the original owner's body, and she was also from the Ye family.Not to mention being a military adviser, it was her job to fight for Ye Feng and Ye Su in battle.

Therefore, Yehuang quickly agreed.

Seeing Ye Huang agreeing, Ye Feng was very happy, struggling to get up from the bed to thank Ye Huang.

Fortunately, Ye Huang stepped forward to stop him, and said: "The general's injury is still not healed, let's lie down and rest. Since Yun Ye has accepted the position of military adviser, he will definitely defend Yaocheng to the death."

"So, the old man thanked Mr. Yun."

"The general is serious. If there is nothing else, Yunyeyun wants to visit the camp." Yehuang took the opportunity to say goodbye, she was still not used to staying with Yefeng for too long.

She was afraid that if she stayed for a long time, she could not help showing her dissatisfaction and resentment towards Ye Feng.

As soon as Yehuang came out of the general's mansion, she saw a man and two horses standing outside, waiting for her.

"Little Huang'er!" Seeing Yehuang coming out, Shangguan Yuntian greeted with a smile on his face.

"How did you come?"

Hearing that Ye Feng was looking for Ye Huang, Shangguan Yuntian didn't come with her, but went back to another courtyard.

Shangguan Yuntian did not answer Ye Huang's words, but pointed to a tall and mighty brown horse beside him, and said, "This is Treading Snow, I brought it for you."

Hearing this, Yehuang was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that Shangguan Yuntian had said on the way that she would give her a bloody BMW, so she became excited, walked around the BMW for a few times, and then said: "This is That hard-earned horse you want to give me?"

"That's right, as soon as Taxue arrived, I sent it to you." Shangguan Yuntian brought Yehuang to Taxue with a smile on his face, and said, "Taxue, she is Xiao Huang'er, and you will be the one from now on. new owner."

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's introduction, Taxue raised her head, glanced at Yehuang lightly, then exhaled a burst of hot air from her nose, and sprayed it towards her face.

With that arrogant appearance, he looked like a naughty boy.

It is said that things follow the Lord, looking at this kind of Taxue, Ye Huang seemed to see the former Shangguan Yuntian, so the smile on his face became stronger, and he stretched out his hand to touch Mo Taxue's head, and said: "Taxue, I am Yehuang, please give me more advice in the future."

The one who answered Yehuang was Taxue exhaling a burst of heat again, and that arrogant shaking of the head, which made Yehuang laugh again.

 The update was interrupted yesterday, and I am sorry to everyone who is sick.At this time, the code word is still top-heavy and dizzy. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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