The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 224 Provoking Discord

Chapter 224 Sow discord ([-])

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian handed the reins to Yehuang and asked, "Do you want to try?"

"Okay!" With a BMW, of course you have to ride it.Without even thinking about it, Ye Huang took the reins and jumped onto the horse's back without saying a word.

Suddenly there was another person on the horse, which made Taxue a little uncomfortable, and he calmed down after kicking his feet.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian on the side also got on his horse, turned his head to look at Ye Huang, and asked with a smile, "Would you like to have a competition?"

"Comparison, who is afraid of whom?"

"Drive!" Yehuang yelled coquettishly, and galloped away towards the outside of the city.Shangguan Yuntian followed closely behind, and the two soon appeared in the suburbs.

Because of the war, there are very few people in the suburbs, and almost no human habitation can be seen.

The two ran a few laps outside to their heart's content before returning to the city.Yehuang went to Daying, and Shangguan Yuntian returned to the other courtyard.

When he returned to the other courtyard, there was a message from the staff in the Beimo Camp, 'everything is ready, only the east wind is owed'.

Seeing this note, Shangguan Yuntian went to Daying to look for Yehuang before he could have a sip of tea.

The two discussed the plan in the camp, and each asked their own people to go down to make arrangements.

At this time, rumors and slanders began to spread in Beimo's camp, all of which were about Tuoba Yong's retreat without a fight.

North Desert camp, Tuo Bahao's tent.Tuobahao lay on the bed, listening to the news brought back by his subordinates, a smile appeared on his face.

"When the news reaches the royal court, I'll see how the father still trusts him."

"At that time, the eighty troops will belong to His Highness."

"That's right, His Highness is still the best. In this way, it's enough for Tuoba Yong to drink a pot."

Compared with the pride in Tuoba Hao's camp, Tuoba Yong's camp was much quieter.Tuoba Yong stood in front of Yaocheng's map, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly, the tent was opened, and the deputy general entered the tent and walked up to Tuoba Yong who was looking at the map, and said, "General, the rumors outside were spread by the First Prince."

"Tuobahao? What is he trying to do?" A flash of anger flashed on Tuobayong's face, why all the soldiers who retreated knew it.But the [-] soldiers who stayed behind didn't know that Tuobahao spread such a rumor, and they all followed it.

"What else can I do, I just want the military power in the general's hands." The deputy general knew Tuo Bahao's purpose at a guess, what else could he have besides military power.

It's just that he doesn't take a piss and takes pictures by himself, so he can lead soldiers like a bear?Really.

The deputy general had a lot of opinions on Tuoba Hao. If Tuoba had persuaded him bravely, he would have wanted to beat him up a long time ago.

"Nonsense!" Tuoba Yong was very angry, this Tuobahao was too much, for the sake of military power, he spread rumors to shake the morale of the army, if the opponent was not the king's son, he would execute him.

But now due to the identity of the other party, it is impossible to execute him, so I have to watch him.

Thinking about it, Tuoba Yong ordered the lieutenant to send some people to guard Tuobahao's camp, and no one was allowed to approach it.

As a result, Tuobahao was even more annoyed, wishing he could get rid of Tuoba and be quick.

Shangguan Yuntian had already realized what Tuobayong did, so after Tuobahao was guarded, he secretly let the insider approach the other party, and brought a message to the other party, saying that he could help him vent his anger.

When Tuobahao heard this, he was very happy, and without thinking deeply, he asked the other party to help him get rid of Tuobayong.

So, that night, an assassination occurred in Tuoba Yong's camp.Except for one of Tuoba Yong's personal bodyguards who were arrested, everyone else fled.

(End of this chapter)

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