The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 233 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 233 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

"Don't worry, Yunfei won't let you down." Shangguan Yuntian answered with a smile, Yunfei is his favorite general, he is definitely a ruthless character who will kill you while you are sick.It would be strange if the Beimo army could benefit from it.

"Go and have a look."

"it is good!"

The two got down from the big tree and headed towards another road leading to Yaocheng.

At this time, Yunfei had been waiting on the road for a long time, but he still hadn't seen the Beimo army coming, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.Just as he was about to send someone to investigate the news, he heard some movement in the distance, so he was relieved.

"Everyone get ready, Beimo's army is coming." Yunfei gave an order, and the generals and soldiers immediately got ready.

Because the other road was delayed for some time, Tuoba Yong made the army speed up.

It took less than a quarter of an hour from Yunfei's discovery of the army to the arrival of the army.

However, when the Beimo army arrived in front of Fu Jun, it suddenly stopped.

"General, what's the matter? Why didn't they leave?" Yunfei's personal soldiers looked at the stopped team and asked in a low voice.

"No hurry!" Yun Fei replied lightly, comforting the people around him, but he was still a little nervous inside.

However, if it was him, he would do the same thing when encountering such a good place for an ambush.

"Send three thousand pioneers to explore the road first." Tuoba Yong sat on the horseback, glanced at the terrain ahead, and said to the lieutenant beside him.

"Yes, General!" The lieutenant quickly passed on the military order, ordering 3000 people to explore the way.

The vanguard officer Zhang Ren received the military order, ordered [-] soldiers, and came in the direction of the ambush army.

Yunfei narrowed his eyes, saw this scene, and immediately ordered: "Let these 3000 people pass."

After receiving the order, Fu Jun lowered his sense of presence as much as possible, quietly watching the three thousand pioneers passing by in Beimo.

After the 3000 people passed safely for a quarter of an hour, Tuoba Yong ordered the march again.

However, just as the Chinese army led by Tuoba Yong was about to pass through, Yunfei suddenly gave an order: "Kill!"

Following his shout, Fu Jun jumped up from both sides of the road, raised his weapon and charged towards the Beimo army.

When Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian arrived, they happened to see the two fighting together.From a distance, Ye Huang saw the flag of General Tuoba Yong, so he said to Shangguan Yuntian, "Yuntian, I'll meet Tuoba Yong."

"I'll go." Shangguan Yuntian didn't want Yehuang to be troubled, so he held her back.

"No, I'll just go." Yehuang shook her head, rumors that Tuobayong was the number one warrior in Beimo, and she wanted to fight him.

"Little Huang'er, you have to be careful." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang's insistence, knowing that what he said was useless, so he agreed.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

After the sound fell, Ye Huang flew towards Tuoba Yong's position like a night owl.

Shangguan Yuntian watched Yehuang leave, but in the end he was still worried, so he dodged to chase after her.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Yehuang quickly came to the top of Tuoba Yong's general flag.He lowered his head slightly, scanned the people nearby, and quickly locked on Tuoba Yong.

"In Yunye, Xiayao City, come to ask General Tuoba for advice."

Yehuang spoke suddenly, startling a Beimo soldier, and looked up to find that she was standing on top of the flag with one foot.

Tuobayong's soldiers also saw Yehuang, and they guarded Tuobayong in the middle as if they were facing an enemy.

Of course, there are also calm people, such as Tuoba Yong and his lieutenant.

(End of this chapter)

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