The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 234 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 234 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

Tuobayong's lieutenant stood up first, pointed at Yehuang and said, "Who is so presumptuous, you can challenge the general. If you have the ability, pass this level first."

"Since someone is here to die, I will help you." Yehuang smiled lightly, waved her jade hand lightly, and directly attacked the deputy general with a dark force.

Following her movements, the deputy fell to the ground without even a chance to make a move.

Seeing this scene, Tuoba Yong's expression turned ugly when he thought of the previous information, and asked, "Are you that military master Yun Ye?"

"Exactly!" Yehuang nodded, and asked Tuoba Yong again, "I wonder if the general will fight or surrender?"

"Surrender?" Tuoba Yong's face became even more ugly, he glared at Ye Huang, and said, "This general has never surrendered before. If you have the ability, you can defeat me."

"Since that's the case, then Yun will be impolite." Ye Huang's voice fell, and she attacked Tuoba Yong like a shooting star.

Tuoba Yong was not a fuel-efficient lamp either, and before Ye Huang approached, he swung his weapon and took the lead.

It was a spear, nearly three meters in length, which he danced with great vigor.

"As expected of being the number one warrior in Beimo, he really has a lot of talent." Yehuang narrowed his eyes, took a look at Tuoba Yong, and praised him.

"Whether it's just two strokes or not, Mr. Yun will know after trying it." After Tuoba Yong finished speaking, he directly raised his spear and stabbed Ye Huang's vital points.

Yehuang glanced at Tuoba Yong lightly, pulled out the white silk from her body, injected her inner strength, and blocked the opponent's weapon.

With a bang, Bai Ling collided with the spear, making an ear-splitting sound.The originally soft white silk suddenly became as hard as iron.

When the weapons collided, Tuoba Yong was terrified, and he retreated a dozen steps before stopping.

On the other hand, Yehuang still stood there, motionless.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers in Beimo were shocked and stared blankly at Yehuang.

"General Tuoba, do you still insist on not surrendering?" Ye Huang did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but withdrew her offensive and asked calmly.

"Unless this general is killed in battle, he will not surrender." Tuoba Yong suppressed the tumbling blood and said unyieldingly.

"Very good, the general has backbone, so don't blame me for not giving him a chance."

After Yehuang finished speaking, she jumped up and poured her internal energy into the white silk again, turning her whole body into a sharp blade, and fought against Tuobayong again.

Tuobayong, as the great general of Beimo, the number one warrior, although his internal strength is not as good as Yehuang's, but he has a lot of experience in fighting the enemy and has brute force, so he barely tied with Yehuang.

After more than 100 moves, Yehuang still hadn't defeated Tuobayong, feeling a little irritable in her heart, and her clothes were torn by the opponent's spear if she didn't pay attention.

Shangguan Yuntian, who was hiding in the army of Beimo, saw Yehuang injured, his expression changed, he no longer hid, flew up, and went towards the two fighting people.

He forcefully inserted between the two of them, and after receiving Tuoba Yong's move, he turned to Yehuang and said, "Little Huang'er, take a break and let me come."

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian, Ye Huang was not surprised at all.It's just that he didn't listen to his words and retreat, but said: "No need, I can take him down soon."

"Then let's go together." After Shangguan Yuntian finished speaking, he and Yehuang dealt with Tuobayong together.

It would be a bit difficult for Tuoba Yong to deal with one, let alone one-on-two now.So, soon he was defeated and was wrapped around the neck by Yehuang's white silk.

"General Tuoba, you lost!" Ye Huang said a word lightly, making Tuoba Yong's face turn pale.

(End of this chapter)

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