The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 235 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 235 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

As for Tuobayong's soldiers, it's not that they don't want to save him, but they can't save him at all.Take just now, the sudden appearance of Shangguan Yuntian caught them off guard, and by the time they realized it, the coach had already lost.

"The old man lost!" Although Tuoba Yonghen hates it, he is not a person who can't afford to lose.

"In that case, General Tuoba, should you retreat from Beimo?" Ye Huang smiled, as if he didn't see Tuoba Yong's ugly face.

He was the majestic King of the North and the South, but he lost to a boy who didn't even have hair.Not only that, but he actually wanted to return with 80 troops without success, how could he have the face to go back to Beimo to meet the king and his fellow villagers?
However, the winner is king, and the loser is Kou. He has already lost, so what can he do?
"Why, the general doesn't want to?" Seeing Tuoba Yong not speaking for a long time, Ye Huang's voice became a little colder.

The reason why she came to the Beimo army to compete with Tuobayong was to defeat him and force him to retreat.If he didn't want to, she had no choice but to kill him.

As long as the commander falls, the Beimo army will be leaderless and will be in chaos. At that time, Yunfei and his troops will take advantage of the opportunity to attack, and it's no wonder they can't eliminate the opponent.

So, now it depends on whether Tuoba is brave or not. If he is, there is no need to fight this battle.If she didn't know each other, she had no choice but to kill the other party with her own hands.

"This king would rather die than surrender!" Tuoba Yong looked at Yehuang, and even changed his title.He wanted to use this to remind Yehuang that he was not only the great general of Beimo, but also the Southern King of Beimo.

As the brother of the Northern Mo King, he cannot surrender.

"It seems that my son has no choice but to give the general a ride." Ye Huang said lightly, she knew Tuoba Yong's choice well, so she was not disappointed.

"My lord, whatever you want!" Tuoba held his head up bravely, proudly.If it wasn't for the hostile relationship, Ye Huang would still appreciate him.

Unfortunately, they are destined to become enemies, not friends.

"Little Huang'er, let me do the killing." Shangguan Yuntian didn't want Yehuang's hands to be stained with more blood, let alone the general of Beimo.

"Okay!" Fortunately, Yehuang didn't care who killed Tuoba Yong, she had already fought against him, and her wish was fulfilled.

After Yehuang agreed, Shangguan Yuntian directly lifted Tuoba Yong up, stood on his frame, and then used his internal force to transmit his voice.

"The Beimo army listened to the order. I have captured your general. Now you surrender immediately, or I will kill him."

While talking, Shangguan Yuntian put the sword on Tuoba Yong's neck.

Upon hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, all the soldiers in Beimo stopped what they were doing and looked towards the general's carriage.

At a glance, Tuoba Yong was indeed arrested, and everyone was not well.

The marshal was arrested, and the morale of the army was shaken.

The soldiers in Beimo put down their weapons one by one.

Tuoba Yong stood on the high platform, watching the soldiers surrender, he was so angry that he vomited blood.He opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but Shangguan Yuntian's sword is not vegetarian.As soon as he moved, the scar on his neck deepened a little.

Immediately, Shangguan Yuntian's ruthless voice came from next to his ears: "General Tuoba, I advise you not to make some fearless struggles, otherwise you will be the one who suffers."

"My king? Are you?" Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's claim, Tuoba Yong was taken aback.

"Shangguan Yuntian!"

"What, you are King Zhaoyun?" Tuoba Yong looked at Shangguan Yuntian in shock, and couldn't believe his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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