The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 238 Celebrate and Recognize

Chapter 238 Celebrate and Recognize (Part [-])

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang's perception is so keen, they have already felt the gaze on the tower.It's just that they didn't care at first, but then the eyes kept sticking to them, which made the two of them have to care.

Looking up, the two looked up the tower at the same time.He saw Ye Feng and Ye Su at a glance.

Seeing Ye Feng, Shangguan Yuntian was surprised, but Ye Huang's face was ugly.She is a doctor and Ye Feng is her patient.

Now, this patient didn't follow the doctor's advice, and went to the city tower in the middle of the night to have a wind, regardless of his health, which made her very annoyed.

You know, Ye Feng is already old, plus he was injured when he was young, leaving some roots of the disease, and this time the injury is so serious, if he doesn't take good care of him, he won't have a good life for a few years up.

Thinking of Ye Feng making fun of her body, Ye Huang couldn't help but get angry.

So, Ye Huang suddenly flew up and headed towards the tower.

When I went up to the tower, I saw Ye Feng who was a little dazed, and said bluntly: "General Ye, do you think you have lived too long? You came here in the middle of the night to have a shower before you recovered?"

"Yun, Mr. Yun?" Ye Feng stared blankly at Ye Huang, but she didn't expect her to run up suddenly.Moreover, his complexion is not good, as if he has done something heinous.

Yehuang ignored Yehuang, but turned to look at Ye Su beside him, and said, "Little General Ye, he is your grandfather, you don't care about his body, how can you let him run around in the middle of the night?" Come out? I wonder if his injury is still healed?"

After a pause, Yehuang said again: "You still have yourself, even if it's a superficial injury, you should take care of it when it's time to take care of it, otherwise you will be the one who will suffer in the future."

Ye Su's face was flushed by Ye Huang's training, and she opened her mouth to say something, but under her fierce gaze, she finally said nothing.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian came up and saw Yehuang admonishing others angrily, and asked with concern: "Little Huanger, what's wrong with you?"

Although Ye Feng was old, his ears were sharp. When he heard Shangguan Yuntian address Ye Huang, his eyes widened and he asked, "King Yun, what did you call Master Yun just now?"

"General Ye, what's wrong?" As soon as Ye Feng opened his mouth, Shangguan Yuntian knew something was wrong.He was in a hurry just now and forgot that Yehuang didn't want to recognize Ye Feng and the others.

But things have already happened, Shangguan Yuntian can only admit his mistake.

He looked at Yehuang apologetically, and said with his eyes: "Little Huang'er, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Ye Huang gave Shangguan Yuntian a hard look, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "Okay, if you want to know anything, just ask me."

After finishing speaking, he ordered the soldiers standing behind Ye Feng: "Why are you in a daze, don't send your general back to the mansion."

The soldiers carried the sedan chair forward and asked Ye Feng to sit down.

But Ye Feng still had doubts in his heart, how could he just leave like this.He looked at Ye Huang and shouted, "Young Master Yun, you..."

"Okay, if you have anything to say, let's go back to the house and talk." Ye Huang knew what he wanted to ask, so she waved her hand and interrupted him.

Seeing this, Ye Feng knew that Ye Huang would not say anything now, so he had to let the soldiers get him into the soft sedan chair, but before leaving, he looked at Ye Huang and said, "Mr. Yun, the old man is at the house waiting for you."

"Got it, got it, let's go, let's go." Ye Huang was a little impatient, and waved Ye Feng to go back first.

(End of this chapter)

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