The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 239 Celebrate and Recognize

Chapter 239 Celebrate and Recognize (Part [-])

But Ye Su didn't leave with Ye Feng, but waited for Ye Huang.Regarding her identity, Ye Su had an answer ready to come out in his heart, but he couldn't quite believe it.

He looked at Yehuang's face, opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.

Yehuang ignored Ye Su, and said to Shangguan Yuntian, "Let's go!"

After that, the two went down the tower together.

Ye Su followed behind them, watching Ye Huang ignore her, her eyes were gloomy, a little disappointed, a little sad.

A group of three followed Ye Feng silently and returned to the General's Mansion.

The third watch has passed, so it stands to reason that Ye Feng should have gone to bed long ago.But Yehuang knew that if she didn't recognize him today, Ye Feng would not go to rest.

Therefore, everyone walked towards the hall in a tacit understanding.

After entering the hall, the four of them sat down on two sides. Ye Feng and Ye Su sat opposite Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang, looking at Ye Huang excitedly.

Compared to Ye Feng and Ye Su who were excited, Ye Huang was much calmer.

She glanced at the excited two people, raised her lips slightly, and said lightly: "As you think, I am Yehuang."

"Sister, it's really you!" Even though he had already guessed, the moment Ye Huang admitted, Ye Su seemed to hear the sound of spring flowers blooming, so excited that he couldn't control himself, stood up and walked to Ye Huang. .

Ye Feng was as excited as Ye Su, but because it was not convenient for him to walk, he could only watch Ye Su walk towards Ye Huang.

"It's real!" Yehuang glanced at Ye Su, her voice still flat.She is not the real Yehuang, and she has known the other party's identity for a long time, so she will not be as excited as the other party.

From beginning to end, she was very calm, very calm, and her expression was a little indifferent.

"You, why are you..." Ye Su wanted to ask Ye Huang why she wasn't in the capital, but seeing her indifferent eyes hurt her heart even more.

For more than ten years, he has thought countless times about the scene where brothers and sisters meet, and how Yehuang looks like his mother or father, but when he really met, seeing Yehuang's indifference to him, his heart ached.

His sister, looking at him as if she were looking at a stranger.

"If you have anything to ask, I'll ask tomorrow, it's getting late." Ye Huang looked at Ye Su, who was about to speak but stopped, and said lightly.

She has been busy for most of the night today, and she is a little sleepy.

"Huang'er, come over to Grandpa and let Grandpa take a good look at you." Ye Feng beckoned to Yehuang to go. It was inconvenient for him to walk, so he could only let Yehuang go to him.

Ye Huang frowned slightly, glanced at Ye Feng, stood up and walked towards him.

Even if he didn't really want to talk about the deep love between grandparents and grandchildren with Ye Feng, but taking up the body of his granddaughter, the most basic filial piety is still required.

"General!" Ye Huang walked up to Ye Feng, and originally wanted to call Grandpa, but when she came to her lips, she called out the word 'General'.

"Huang'er!" Ye Feng felt a little lost when he heard the word 'General'.Originally, he thought he could hear Yehuang calling his grandfather.

"It's getting late, the days are long, your body is important." Ye Huang knew that Ye Feng wanted to talk to her, but Ye Feng's injury was not healed yet, so it's not suitable to stay up late.

"I know!" Although Yehuang didn't call him grandpa, Ye Feng was still very happy after hearing her words of concern.

He knew that Yehuang had a cold face and a warm heart. He didn't care on the surface, but he cared about them in his heart.Otherwise, she would not have specially sent someone to protect him, let alone come all the way to rescue him.

Now, she asked him to rest earlier and cared about his body, so she cared about him then.

Forget it, just say it, as long as she has him in her heart.

 Ranran's computer broke down yesterday, and it hasn't been repaired yet. Today I borrowed the computer to code.Sorry guys!
(End of this chapter)

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