The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 253 Face Saint Award

Chapter 253 Face Saint Award ([-])

"What?" Miss Liu didn't hear clearly, and asked again.

The nanny pointed to Liu's body again, and said, "Ma'am, your body."

"What's wrong with my body?" Liu Shi finally heard clearly, then lowered her head to look at her body, and she was also shocked when she saw it.

"How could this be?"

After that, Liu Shi herself couldn't help screaming.She, her body is covered with red bumps, which is very scary at first glance.

Don't talk about others, you will be scared to death.

Liu Shi's scream startled the maids and women in the yard, and they rushed into her room one by one.

Because she was too frightened and shocked, Liu Shi forgot to react for a moment, and her body fell into the eyes of the rushing servants.

Seeing the pimple on Liu Shiman's body, everyone was petrified.It took a while for someone to come back to his senses and say, "Doctor please, please doctor quickly."

"Yes, yes, yes, doctor please."

Doctor Please's voices came one after another, Liu Shi also came back to his senses, grabbed the clothes on the side and put them on his body, and then yelled at the maids and women who stood still: "Get out!

The maids and women came out in a file, and Liu only left her close mother to wait on her.

Not long after, the doctor came, he was the doctor of the mansion, an old man, surnamed Liu.

When Doctor Liu walked into Mrs. Liu's room, everyone realized that Mrs. Liu had something wrong with her body.I intend not to let him see it, but where can I find a female doctor this late at night.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu still stretched out his hand and rolled up his sleeves.

Although Dr. Liu is old, his eyes are still good.Seeing the pimple on Liu's body at a glance, his face changed, and then he carefully felt her pulse.

After taking the pulse and adding the observation just now, Dr. Liu concluded that Mrs. Liu was poisoned, so he said: "Madam, you are poisoned, sorry I can't do anything. If you want to detoxify, you have to find the person who poisoned you." .”

"What, am I poisoned?" Liu's face turned ugly.All along, she was the only one who calculated others' share, and this was the first time she was calculated by others.

Who is it?
Involuntarily, Ye Huang's face flashed in her mind.This mansion is under her control, no one dares to poison her.The only possibility, the only one who dared to do so was Yehuang, there would be no one else.

But how did Yehuang poison her, why didn't she know at all?

Mrs. Liu frowned in thought, Dr. Liu had already packed the medicine box and was about to leave.

Before going out, he also reminded: "Ma'am, you should get rid of this poison as soon as possible, otherwise your skin will fester and you will die."

Doctor Liu left, and Liu Shi's face was so gloomy that it seemed as if water would drip out.

"Come here, help me change my clothes. My wife is going to meet that bitch." Mrs. Liu got up and was about to trouble Yehuang, but she was persuaded by the nurse next to her, and said, "Madam, now It's night, and the old lady just came back, you go to her now, admit it or not, if the old lady finds out, she will say that you are unkind, then your reputation for such a long time will be ruined. Not only that, The old man will still have opinions on you."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Liu's expression was full of hatred. If she could, she would like to strangle Ye Huang to death right now.

"Madam, from the point of view of this old slave, that little slut is unlikely to give you the antidote, so it's better to treat him with his own body."

"What do you mean?" When Liu Shi heard this, her eyes lit up, and her lips curled up with a hint of coldness.

 Merry Christmas, folks! ! !The weather is cold and code words are not easy. If you have money, you can play for money, and if you have no money, you can play for yourself. Please give more rewards and leave a lot of comments.

(End of this chapter)

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