The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 254 Face Saint Award

Chapter 254 Face Saint Award ([-])

Yehuang, you are unkind, don't blame Mrs. Ben for being unrighteous.

Not seeing each other for three years, there are some tricks, but the Liu family doesn't take Ye Huang seriously.From her point of view, the poisoning and other things that Yehuang is playing now are all leftovers from her playing back then.

However, Mrs. Liu forgot a word, that is, three days after Shibai, you should look at him with admiration.

Ye Huang was no longer Wu Xia's Amon.It was a daydream that she wanted to plot against Ye Huang.Of course, Liu didn't know this.

She was thinking about how to return the poison to Yehuang.

For Liu Shi, there is no shortage of poison around him.Otherwise, she wouldn't have poisoned Yehuang back then.

Soon Liu Shi got worried and went to bed to rest.It's just that the pimples on her body itch when it's hot, which makes her uncomfortable. She wants to scratch but dare not, which makes her sleepless all night.

The next day, Liu woke up with a panda eye.

When eating breakfast, Ye Huang saw Liu Shi's appearance and secretly laughed.When Liu Shi saw Yehuang, she wished she could be torn apart.

It's just that she didn't dare to move because of Ye Feng's presence.

So, she endured and endured until Ye Feng and Ye Su had breakfast and left the flower hall, and then she challenged Ye Huang.

"Well, you Yehuang, you dare to poison my wife!" When only Yehuang and Liu Shi were left in the flower hall, she looked at Yehuang fiercely, gnashing her teeth.

"That's right, I poisoned you, what can you do to me?" Ye Huang laughed when she heard this, and her extremely arrogant words made Liu Shi even more annoyed.

"Little bitch, hand over the antidote, or don't blame Mrs. Ben for being cruel." Shi Liu glared at Yehuang, so angry that she was dying.

"Why?" Yehuang smiled, that smile was extremely enchanting and full of irony.Who does Liu think she is, and if she is asked to give the antidote, then he will give the antidote?


She, Yehuang, is not small in anything, but she is small-minded, and she will take revenge.Whatever Liu Shi did to her in the past, she will return it now.

If you want an antidote, there is no door.

"Why?" Liu Shi laughed, and said proudly: "Little bitch, you don't think I didn't do anything, so I asked you for the antidote, right?"

When she just had breakfast, she deliberately added ingredients to the bowl used by Yehuang.Moreover, she watched Yehuang use the bowl with the addition of ingredients.According to the efficacy of the poison, it won't be long before Ye Huang will be poisoned.

At that time, the antidote will not be a question of whether she wants to give it or not.

Unless Yehuang wanted to die, she would get the antidote if she didn't give it.

Liu's calculation was pretty good, but she missed Yehuang's ability.Playing with drugs, she is the ancestor, it is a joke that Liu Shi actually used an axe in front of her.

Yehuang already knew that Liu Shi had poisoned her, so she took the antidote secretly, don't say it for a while, even if it takes ten minutes, she will not be poisoned.

Seeing Liu's proud expression, Ye Huang decided to tease her, so she pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Liu laughed, and said triumphantly, "Little bitch, you probably don't know that I poisoned the bowls and chopsticks you used just now, and now you are also poisoned. What do you think is the solution?" Medicine, will Madam give it, or not?"

"You, you are so cruel!" Yehuang had to pretend to be extremely shocked in order to cooperate with Liu Shi.

"Haha, little bitch, if you want to fight with Mrs. Ben, you are still a little tender. Soon, the poison on your body should take effect. If you don't give Mrs. Ben the antidote, you will die." See Seeing Ye Huang's appearance, Liu Shi became more and more proud.

 Thanks to Zhao Jing for the reward.However, there are two more chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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