The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 255 Face Saint Award

Chapter 255 Face Saint Award ([-])

She seemed to see Yehuang kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, and saw Yehuang being made worse than death by herself.

"Really?" Ye Huang sneered, the shocked look on her face was long gone.

She looked at Liu Shi coldly, and said lightly: "Liu Shi, should we make a bet to see if you die sooner or Miss Ben dies sooner?"

"What do you mean?" Liu Shi, who was complacent, was taken aback, looking at Yehuang with suspicion.

"Literally." The smile on Ye Huang's face deepened a bit, she looked Liu Shi up and down, and kindly reminded: "If I were you, I would find a doctor right now, otherwise, after a long time, If your body festers, even Immortal Da Luo can't save you."

"Little bitch, don't be complacent. Even if my wife dies, she will hold you back." Liu Shi didn't believe Yehuang's words at all. The poison she just injected was not an ordinary poison. I can't solve it either.

"Really? You can try it." With a sneer on Yehuang's face, she took a deep look at Liu Shi, turned around and left the flower hall.

Liu Shi stared blankly at Ye Huang going away, unable to react for a while.Until Yehuang's cold voice came to her ears: "It's just Duanchang Powder, Miss Ben doesn't pay attention at all."

Hearing this, Liu's whole body was in a bad mood.

There was only one thought in her mind, Yehuang actually knew what poison she had injected.

How the hell would she know?
Could it be that she is more powerful than I imagined?Or is there a traitor around him?

No, it's impossible, she must not be that powerful, there must be a traitor by her side.

Subconsciously, Liu didn't believe in Ye Huang's change, and only thought that there was a spy by her side.So, after Yehuang left, Liu called everyone around him to clean up.

As soon as Ye Huang came out of the flower hall, Ye Feng's personal soldiers came to find her.After questioning, they found out that the emperor had a decree for Xuan Yehuang to enter the palace.

Ye Huang arrived at the hall, received the imperial decree, and went straight into the palace without even changing her clothes.

In Prince Yun's Mansion, Shangguan Yuntian heard that the emperor had summoned Yehuang, he couldn't sit still anymore, and then went into the palace.

In the imperial palace, the Chengqian Hall, the emperor after his next court was sitting on the dragon chair at the top, and he was looking at Yehuang with sharp eyes.

Ye Feng, who accompanied Ye Huang into the palace, knelt beside Ye Huang, feeling the emperor's sizing up on his granddaughter, and was very worried.

Yesterday, the emperor let them go out of the palace without saying anything.Ye Feng originally thought that the emperor didn't remember, but he received the imperial decree early this morning, and specifically asked Ye Huang to enter the palace, which made Ye Feng worry.

Who is the emperor?That's the most suspicious person in the world, and if he can't fix his head, he has to move.

"Ye Aiqing, is this your granddaughter, the daughter of Ye Xuan and A Xue?"

Finally, the emperor above spoke, which made Ye Feng slightly relieved, and replied respectfully: "Return to the emperor, she is Ye Huang, the daughter of Quanzi and Nangongxue."

"I didn't expect their daughter to be so old, time flies so fast." The emperor said with emotion, then changed the tone and asked: "I heard that the Beimo army was defeated so quickly. , this girl has contributed a lot. Sure enough, the tiger father has no dog daughter, and Ye Aiqing can be regarded as a successor."

Ye Feng was startled, what does the emperor mean?
Ye Huang, who was on the side, was also full of puzzlement, lowering her head, guessing the other party's intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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