The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 260 Princess Yunhuang

Chapter 260 Princess Yunhuang ([-])

Yehuang changed the subject, which made Shangguanping feel uneasy.If before today, he was determined to marry Ye Ling, then the person he wants to marry at this moment is Ye Huang.

Therefore, he hesitated, not knowing how to speak for a while.

At this moment, Ye Su, who was acting as an invisible person for a while, suddenly spoke up, and said, "Sister, you are right, His Royal Highness Prince Ping came to propose marriage to Ye Ling today, and just now he said to let Grandpa fulfill it."

"It seems that sister Yeling didn't lie to me. It turns out that Prince Ping really came to propose marriage." Ye Huang nodded, then looked at Shangguan Ping and continued: "However, I seem to remember that the one who has a marriage contract with the prince is Miss Ben. Since the prince has taken a fancy to Sister Yeling, when will he return the token of our engagement?"

Three years ago, she had told Shangguan Ping to break off the engagement and asked him to return the token. At that time, he had agreed, but later she was poisoned and had to leave the General's Mansion in order to survive.

If Shangguanping was still a gentleman, then the token should also be returned.

However, Yehuang didn't know that Shangguanping was a scumbag at all. In his eyes, women and goods had nothing to do with them, only value and benefits.

Therefore, after Yehuang asked him to return the token, he suddenly changed his words: "General Ye, Miss Ye, this king was rude just now, the marriage is the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker. The marriage of the king, or The emperor is the master, if there is anything wrong just now, please forgive me!"

"What is the meaning of King Ping?" Ye Feng's face turned cold, he is not a fool, how could he not know the meaning of Shangguan Ping's words.

It was precisely because of this that he looked down on the other party even more.

The dignified prince, what he said was like farting.

"The general calm down, it's my king who didn't think about it." Shangguanping knew that he was slapping himself, but in order to become the crown prince, he also fought hard.

Ye Su also heard what Shangguan Ping meant, and his face became ugly, and he said coldly: "His Royal Highness, what place do you think of as my general's mansion, and what do you think of as the lady of my general's mansion? Didn't you keep saying that you love Ye Ling just now?" , do you want to marry her? Why, now my sister will ask you to return the engagement token, but instead look around and say to him, you don't want to enjoy the blessings of everyone, do you?"

Prince Ping didn't think that way at first, but now that Ye Su mentioned it, he really had this thought.If he married Ye Huang and Ye Ling at the same time, he would not only get the support of the General's Mansion, but also the support of Ye Ling's family, the Liu family, so why not do it?

When Shangguan Ping was having a sweet dream, he suddenly found a black shadow in front of him, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Ye Huang.

"Ye, Miss Ye?" Shangguan Ping was startled and stuttered.

"What was His Highness thinking just now, so engrossed that I didn't even notice that Miss Benbu had arrived?" Ye Huang looked at Shangguan Ping lightly, with deep eyes, as if she wanted to engulf her whole body.

Ye Huang didn't know what Shangguan Ping was thinking, but it didn't prevent her from guessing.Although I can't guess what it is, I know it has something to do with her.

Otherwise, Shangguan Ping would not be so guilty at this meeting.

"No, nothing?" Shangguan Ping was very embarrassed, looking at Ye Huang's beautiful face, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Thinking that he almost lost such a heart-warming woman.

Fortunately, he corrected it in time, and Yehuang will be his woman in the future.

Thinking of this, Shangguanping was a little proud, and felt that it was a wise move for him not to return the tokens of engagement between the two families.

Ye Huang looked at Shangguan Ping coldly, seeing his pride in his eyes, and asked lightly, "When will His Highness be able to return the engagement?"

(End of this chapter)

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