The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 261 Princess Yunhuang

Chapter 261 Princess Yunhuang ([-])

"Well, this king has to go back and look for it." Shangguan Ping was a little guilty and didn't dare to meet Ye Huang's gaze.Although he put away the token of engagement, he didn't need to look for it. If he wanted to, someone would bring it.

However, he still wanted to give it a go, and he even planned in his heart that he would go to the palace tomorrow and mention his marriage with Yehuang to the emperor.

Ye Huang didn't know about Shangguan Ping's plan, but he could tell from his attitude that he didn't want to divorce her.

This is troublesome, if Shangguan Ping does not resign, she has many things that she can't do, and being labeled as the other party makes her very unhappy.

What's more, there is also Ye Ling who is eyeing him.Depending on how stupid the other party is, if Shangguan Ping is unwilling to withdraw the marriage, he will definitely blame her.

Although Ye Huang is not afraid of Ye Ling, she hates trouble, and even more hates having too much interaction with her.

It seemed that she had to discuss with Shangguan Yuntian first to see how she could force Shangguan Ping to voluntarily withdraw the engagement and return the token.

But right now, she doesn't want to punish the other party properly.So Ye Huang twirled her fingers lightly, and shot a small silver needle towards Shangguan Ping's body.

At the same time, Yehuang said lightly: "Since that's the case, then I'll wait for Your Highness."

"It's easy to say, easy to say!" Hearing this, Shangguanping heaved a sigh of relief, so that he ignored the numbness on his body.

Just now, he thought that Yehuang would press every step of the way and would not stop until he got the token back.

Fortunately, she didn't force him.In this way, he would have more time to arrange Ye Ling's problems.

Shangguanping believed that because of Yeling's infatuation with him, he would definitely agree with his decision.Moreover, he had to communicate with the imperial concubine in the palace about this matter.

After sitting for a while, Shangguanping offered to take his leave.Ye Feng asked Ye Su to send him away, and then called Ye Huang into the study.

After entering the study, Ye Feng told the emperor what he meant, and then asked her: "What do you think?"

"Princess?" Yehuang said these two words in her mouth, a little playfully.The emperor is really willing to let her go out as a princess so casually. If the daughters in the capital know about it, aren't they jealous to death?

"Yeah, originally grandpa wanted to reject it, but you also know that the emperor is not as easy to talk to as we saw. Grandpa is afraid that if he refuses, he will offend the emperor, which will be detrimental to you and the whole Ye family."

"Grandpa, you don't need to explain, I understand." Ye Huang smiled and comforted Ye Feng: "Besides, there is nothing wrong with having the title of princess?"

"Grandpa is relieved if you think so. Anyway, since the emperor wants a reward, we will take it. Many people can't ask for it."

At this moment, Ye Su, who had finished delivering Shangguan Ping, came in, looked at the two of them and said, "Grandpa, what did King Ping mean just now?"

Ye Su has been at the border all year round, and what he sees most is fighting.He understands the tricks on the battlefield, but he still lacks in scheming.

"What do you mean, he wants to sit back and enjoy his blessings."

Ye Feng was a little annoyed when he mentioned this.Now this is still his guess, otherwise he would have beaten someone up just now.Whoever Shangguan Ping thought he was, he was a great prince, and he wanted to bring both daughters of the Ye family into the mansion, it was really shameless.

"What, he dared!" Ye Su was furious, if Shangguan Ping was still in front of him, he would have done it directly.

"What is he afraid of? His mother is favored in the harem, and he is also favored by the emperor. Many ministers are optimistic about him, and even want to put their daughter in his house."

 It's five o'clock!Those who support people and those who hold money, let's all smash it, but continue with a basin.

(End of this chapter)

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