The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 263 Princess Yunhuang

Chapter 263 Princess Yunhuang ([-])

After Liu made a promise to Ye Ling, she went to the Prime Minister's Mansion early the next morning.It's just that when she went, she was full of confidence, but when she came back, her face was a little ugly.

It never occurred to her that her father, who had always been responsive to her requests, would reject her this time.

Thinking of what her father said to her, Liu's entire face darkened.

Concubine Ping belongs to her daughter, whoever wants to rob her daughter will have trouble with her, and she will never let her go.

Ye Huang, you are fine!

Sure enough, nothing good will happen once you come back.

Liu's face was gloomy, thinking about how to deal with Ye Huang.She will never let what belongs to Ye Ling be taken over by others.

What about the princess?
As long as she is still living in the General's Mansion, she has plenty of ways to deal with Ye Huang.Liu's family was thinking about how to deal with Yehuang, but she didn't even know when the general's mansion arrived.

It was the mother-in-law beside me who reminded me, and then I came back to my senses.

After getting off the car and returning home, Ye Ling had already been waiting in Liu's yard, or she hadn't left.Seeing Liu's return, she quickly greeted her: "Mother, you are back."

Seeing Ye Ling, Liu Shi restrained the expression on her face, and said with a smile: "Yes, mother is back, Ling'er should wait."

"Mother, you'll make fun of my daughter." Ye Ling was very shy, she was indeed waiting impatiently.I don't know what's going on, and I don't know if my grandfather will help her.

"It's true that girls are not allowed to stay in high schools." Liu Shi lovingly patted Ye Ling's head, and the two entered the room together.

As soon as she entered the room, Ye Ling couldn't wait to ask: "Mother, what's the matter? What did grandpa say?"

Looking at the anxious daughter, Liu couldn't bear to tell her the truth, so she took her hand and sat down, saying: "Don't you believe mother? Of course what mother said will be done. Your grandfather Having said that, as long as you get along well with King Ping, everything else is fine."


"Of course it's true. Could it be that the mother still lied to you?" Liu Shi said with a serious face.

Ye Ling didn't doubt her words at all, she lowered her head shyly, a little embarrassed.

Seeing her daughter like this, a gleam flashed in Liu's eyes.For her precious daughter, no matter what Yehuang's status is, she must be destroyed.

After Yeling got the exact news, she went back to her yard satisfied.After entering the courtyard, when she saw Ye Huang who was sitting on the porch reading a book, her eyes flickered.

Thinking of Liu Shi's words, Ye Ling walked towards Ye Huang triumphantly.

"Hey, when did you know how to read? You can't pretend?" Ye Ling said while reaching out to get the book in Ye Huang's hand.

However, before her hand touched the book, Yehuang had already shifted her position, looked up at her coldly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Why, can't I talk to you if I have nothing to do?"

"My lady has limited time. If you have something to say, hurry up, and if you have to fart, hurry up." Ye Huang glanced at Ye Ling coldly, and she knew that she was here to show off without even thinking about it.

For a brainless person like Ye Ling, Ye Huang really didn't like it.But Ye Ling herself is not conscious at all, she always feels good about herself, and runs to her every now and then, if she doesn't have something to do, if she doesn't want to embarrass Ye Feng, she can be killed with one finger.

It's her turn to run up to her again and again to feel her presence.

"Immature is uneducated. Look at this rude appearance, it really embarrasses my General's House." Ye Ling looked at Ye Huang with contempt, as if she didn't want to see her.

(End of this chapter)

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