The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 264 Princess Yunhuang

Chapter 264 Princess Yunhuang ([-])

Ye Huang raised her eyes to look at Ye Ling, her eyes fell on her face full of spring, she smiled lightly, and said: "Compared to a mistress like you who robbed your sister's fiancé, you are still rushing to get others to let you go." , Miss Ben feels that she is much more educated."

Ignoring Ye Ling's ugly face, Ye Huang got up slowly, and walked out of the yard briskly.

Seeing that Yehuang ignored her and left, Yeling was so annoyed that she roared, "Yehuang!"

Yehuang didn't pay attention at all, and went straight to Liu Shi.

She needs to find another place to live. Living with someone with mental problems like Ye Ling will lower her style.

Even though Liu Shi wanted Ye Huang to die in her heart, she didn't show it at all on the surface. When she saw her coming, she asked with a smile: "Huang'er, what's the matter with you coming here to see your aunt?"

"Mrs. Ye, I want to change my place of residence. I have already chosen a yard. Please ask someone to tidy it up."

Liu Shi was taken aback, and quickly pretended to be concerned, and said: "Huang'er, are you unhappy living with Linger? Is Linger bullying you, I'll talk to her later."

"No, I don't like living with other people. By the way, I chose Liufangyuan, the courtyard where my mother used to live. I also ask Madam to tidy up the courtyard as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Yehuang stopped talking nonsense and turned to leave.

Liu Shi stared at Ye Huang's leaving back, clenched her fists, her face was extremely ugly.Thinking of the poison on his body and Ye Huang being made the princess, his teeth itch with hatred.


Prince Ping's mansion, shortly after Shangguan Ping returned to the mansion, news came from the palace.When he learned that the emperor wanted to make Yehuang the princess, he greatly praised his previous decision.

Not to mention how beautiful Yehuang's appearance is, it's amazing to say that Yehuang can be named princess by the emperor.

As a son, he still knows his own father very well. It is absolutely impossible for him to make someone the princess for no reason.

Therefore, Yehuang must have done something else that he didn't know about, otherwise it would be impossible for him to fall into the eyes of the emperor.

Thinking of this, Shangguanping immediately ordered his subordinates: "Go and find out what Yehuang has done, and let the emperor make her the princess."

The efficiency of his subordinates was good, and Shangguanping soon knew the reason why Yehuang was named princess, and then he burst out laughing.

"Haha, this king's fiancée is so powerful. Fortunately, he didn't break off the engagement before, otherwise, wouldn't this king have lost a lot of money?"

"Fortunately, there is still time. It seems that this king has to get to know her better."

While talking, Shangguanping soon had an idea in his mind, he absolutely must get to know a Yehuang well.Of course, it would be the best to make her fall in love with him as firmly as Ye Ling.

Thinking about it, Shangguan Ping touched his face, the appearance was not bad, Ye Huang would probably like him.

If Ye Huang knew what Shangguan Ping was thinking, she would definitely tell him, stop dreaming and go to sleep.

Shangguanping, who was only dreaming of sweet dreams, had no idea that his every word and deed had been clearly known by others, and he was reporting it to his master.

"Master, Prince Ping is only interested in the idea of ​​the princess, should we act first?" Qin Chao looked at Shangguan Yuntian and asked in a low voice.

In his opinion, this King Ping is purely trying to die.You know, Ye Huang is the master's reverse scale, and King Ping actually thinks about Xiao Xiao and the future princess, he simply doesn't know what to say.

With the master's means, King Ping would definitely live a life worse than death.Wanting to be a prince is simply a dream.

 Oh, and at night.However, why do you feel that there are fewer comments and votes today?Where have you all gone?
(End of this chapter)

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