The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 265 Princess Yunhuang

Chapter 265 Princess Yunhuang ([-])

Thinking of that scene, Qin Chao suddenly looked forward to it.

The news that Yun Zhaoguo was going to produce a princess soon spread among the upper echelons.What you shouldn't know, what you should know, almost everything is known.

Fortunately, the emperor's imperial decree came down to the General's Mansion very soon. Not only was Yehuang named the princess, but the emperor also specially bestowed her with the word Yunhuang, which meant she was the princess of Yunhuang.

After receiving the imperial decree and seeing off her father-in-law, Ye Ling looked at Ye Huang with a look of jealousy, as if the position of princess should belong to her, as if Ye Huang had snatched away what belonged to her.

"Yehuang, why did you become the princess?" Yeling was outraged, and stepped forward to question Yehuang.In fact, what she wanted to say more was whether the emperor was blind, otherwise how could he have made Yehuang the princess.

Of course, Ye Ling would not dare to slander the emperor.

Therefore, she could only attack Ye Huang.

"You have to ask the emperor about this." Looking at Ye Ling who was full of jealousy, Ye Huang said lightly.

"Huang'er, take the imperial decree to the ancestral hall and enshrine it." Ye Feng glanced at Ye Ling coldly, and gave her a warning look.

He became more and more displeased with Ye Ling, a mindless idiot.

The news that Yehuang was named the master of Yunhuang County spread quickly.No matter who you know or don't know, they all sent a congratulatory gift.

Of course, the congratulatory gifts from Shangguan Yuntian and Shangguan Ping were especially precious.

Seeing Shangguanping giving Yehuang something, Yeling was so jealous that she almost went crazy.She thinks that thing should be hers, so why give it to Yehuang.

So, as soon as the gift giver left, Ye Ling took people to the east chamber where Ye Huang lived, pointed to the gift from Shangguan Ping and said, "Ye Huang, this gift is from King Ping, I want it."

Looking at Ye Ling who came to grab gifts, Ye Huang's eyes were slightly cold.Although she doesn't like Shangguan Ping's gift, it doesn't mean that Ye Ling can grab it openly, doesn't it?

"Who do you think you are, say you want to say you want to?"

"Just because I'm Princess Ping!" Ye Ling didn't even notice that Shangguan Ping had changed his mind.She wholeheartedly remembered Liu Shi's words, remembering that sooner or later she would be Princess Ping.So when he said those three words in front of Yehuang, he didn't feel guilty at all, and he didn't blush.

Facing such a brain-dead Ye Ling, Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile, the other party really entertained her.

"Princess Ping?"

"That's right, King Ping came to propose marriage this morning. If it wasn't for Grandpa, I would already be Princess Ping. So, since these things are sent by King Ping, they are mine." Ye Ling said as a matter of course, not at all. I feel like I have a problem with my brain.

On the other hand, after Yehuang heard her words, she suddenly laughed loudly and said, "Princess Ping? Who told you that you will be Princess Ping, or Shangguan Ping?"

"Of course!" Ye Ling was full of confidence, raised her head high, looked at Ye Huang arrogantly, and said, "Even if you have an engagement with King Ping first, so what, the person he wants to marry is me."

"Is your brain really alright?" Looking at Ye Ling who felt good about herself, Ye Huang seemed to be looking at a lunatic.

"You have a problem with your brain?" Ye Ling stared at Ye Huang with an angry look on her face.She had a very clear mind, why did Ye Huang say that about her.

"Since you have no problem with your brain, do you think Shangguan Ping will really marry you as his concubine? I heard that his concubine will be Su Ruyue." Ye Huang really didn't want to hurt Ye Ling, but seeing how crazy she was. The way she looked, she had to hit her again.

"What did you say? It's impossible!" Ye Ling looked at Ye Huang in shock, disbelieving.

Mother had clearly told her that she would be Princess Ping, how could she be Su Ruyue?

 Thanks for the reward from 187****2937, what a treat!
(End of this chapter)

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