Chapter 266 Wishful thinking ([-])

She knew Su Ruyue, she was Prince Ping's cousin and Concubine Su's niece, she heard that she was very popular with the concubine.Could it be that what Ye Huang said was true, that her mother lied to her?

no, I can not!
Ye Ling shook her head, then glared at Ye Huang and said, "You lied to me, didn't you? Are you jealous of me? King Ping will marry me, and I am Princess Ping."

"Believe it or not!" Yehuang didn't want to talk to Yeling, but she had made up her mind that Liufangyuan must be cleaned up tomorrow, she didn't want to live with a lunatic.

Although she is not afraid of Yeling, she doesn't want to see someone like her who looks up and down.

Ye Ling didn't know if she was hit by Ye Huang, and she stopped asking for gifts, turned around and rushed out of the yard, looking for Mrs. Liu.

At this time, the Liu family was angry because Ye Huangfeng became the princess. She didn't want Ye Ling to rush in, opened her mouth to scold, and saw that it was Ye Ling who eased her expression, and asked with a smile: "Ling'er, what are you doing?" coming?"

"Mother, mother, tell me, will the lord really marry me?" Ye Ling threw herself into Liu Shi's arms, she was already in a demonic state about this matter.

"Ling'er, did someone say something in front of you?" Liu Shi was startled and asked.Ye Ling was still fine before, but after a while, she seems to be a different person.

"Come on, go and find out who is gossiping in front of Miss." Mrs. Liu ordered her servants to investigate, but Ye Ling stopped her.

Ye Ling lay in Liu Shi's arms, looked up at her, and said, "There's no need to investigate, Yehuang told me. Mother, mother, tell me if what she said is true, and whether King Ping wants to Marry Su Ruyue as the main concubine?"

"It's nonsense, Prince Ping is going to marry my Ling'er." At this time, Liu Shi still dare not tell the truth to Ye Ling.

One is because she hasn't thought of a way to get rid of Ye Huang, and the other is because the matter of Su Ruyue marrying King Ping has not yet been settled.

And even if the matter is settled, Liu Shi also thought of a way to prevent Su Ruyue from marrying King Ping.

Of course, she didn't tell Ye Ling about these things, she just wanted to make her daughter happy and just wait to become Princess Ping.But he didn't expect that Yehuang would actually tell her.

At this moment, Liu Shi was so angry that she wished she could kill Ye Huang immediately.But for the time being, he couldn't act rashly.

After all, Ye Huang is now protected by Ye Feng and Ye Su, so it's not easy to attack.And if one hit is missed, not to mention the failure, it will scare the snake.

Therefore, she must be fully prepared before she can strike with all her strength.

"Really? Mom, you really didn't lie to me?" Ye Ling looked at Liu Shi suspiciously. Although she wanted to believe her, she couldn't believe her when she thought of Ye Huang's words.

"Ling'er, when did Mother ever lie to you?" Shi Liu suppressed the coldness in her eyes, and carefully released Ye Ling.

Ye Ling shook her head.

"That's it. Mother never lied to Ling'er, so don't believe what other people say, understand?" Seeing that Ye Ling believed her, Liu Shi was slightly relieved.

After that, she comforted Ye Ling for a while, and then she was sent back to rest.

After sending Ye Ling away, Liu Shi was very unwilling to take action against Ye Huang, frowning in thought.

Soon, she thought of a good way, so a smile appeared on her face, and she said to the mother-in-law beside her: "Mother Liu, please go and invite Ye Huang over for me, I have something to discuss with her .”

After a while, Yehuang followed Nanny Liu to Liu's courtyard.

 That's all for today. Dear friends, remember to vote a lot and leave a lot of messages. However, I am working hard to code and waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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