Chapter 267 Wishful thinking ([-])

"I don't know why Madam is looking for me?" Ye Huang looked at Liu Shi and asked calmly.She didn't think it would be good for Liu Shi to find her.

Although Liu Shi hid it well, Ye Huang could still see the flash of disgust and killing intent in her heel.

It seems that the Liu family has no good intentions in asking her to come here.

Yehuang was secretly guarding, but her face didn't show at all, except for a faint smile.

"Huang'er, it's like this. Haven't you been named princess? My aunt wants to hold a banquet at home. First, it's to celebrate you, and second, it's to let you get in touch with the noble ladies in the capital. I don't know. What do you think?"

Liu Shi looked at Ye Huang with a gentle face, as if she was really thinking about her.

"Mrs. Ye, shouldn't you discuss this kind of matter with your grandpa? I'm a daughter's family, how can I make up my mind?" Yehuang said lightly, with the banner of doing her best, and secretly didn't know how to plot against her.

She knows that holding a banquet or something is the best time to count people.Especially catching-adultery in bed or something, let everyone see it, and I won't want this reputation in the future.

"Look at what your child said, of course my aunt will discuss it with your grandfather, but you need to get your consent beforehand, right? If you don't like it, isn't auntie worrying about it for nothing?"

"Really? I'm not familiar with the rules in the capital, you and grandpa can just make up your mind."

"Huang'er means you agree?" Liu's heart was overjoyed, and a smile appeared on her face.

"You can figure it out." Yehuang has never cared about this kind of thing, but holding a banquet has an advantage, that is, she can have a good meeting with those who have bullied her.

Most of those people are still in their boudoirs.She believed that as long as Mrs. Liu posted the post, most of them would still come.

After all, she, the princess who came out of nowhere, was once the person they looked down on the most.

"If that's the case, then I'll go to your grandfather to discuss it." Mrs. Liu said impatiently, as if she was afraid that Ye Huang would go back on her word.

As a result, Ye Huang felt that Liu Shi was uneasy and kind.

It seems that she has to find a few people to enter the mansion, but she must not be tricked by the Liu family.

Although there are people who protect her secretly now, but there is no one on the bright side.

Thinking of this, Ye Huang paused when she left, turned her head and said to Liu Shi: "Tomorrow I have two maids coming into the mansion, let me tell you first. As for the monthly schedule, I will do it myself, so I won't bother Madam. gone."

Speaking of maid, Liu remembered that there was no one around Ye Huang, so she said with some self-blame: "Huang'er, Auntie, I'm sorry, I've been so busy these days, I forgot to send you some servants." people. How about I point out a few people for you to use now?"

"No need, I will find someone myself." Yehuang directly rejected Liu's proposal, she didn't want to use someone from Liu's.

"Okay, since you said that, then Auntie doesn't care about it." Liu's face turned ugly for a moment, but she quickly recovered, and she was still smiling.

Yehuang left Liu's courtyard and planned to go out for a stroll.

Snow Leopard and Fire Phoenix team followed back to the capital, she planned to visit them, and then went to the gate of ghosts to find two people back.

Although the members of the Fire Phoenix team are all women, they are not suitable to be maids.

After leaving the mansion, Yehuang went to the yard arranged by the two teams of Sihai Commercial Bank. After meeting the teammates of the two teams, she learned about their situation.Seeing that they were bored, he arranged some training tasks for them before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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