Chapter 268 Wishful thinking ([-])

Yehuang walked and strolled, her beautiful face attracted many people's attention, and the return rate was absolutely [-]%.

Yehuang was already used to those gazes, so she didn't care and walked slowly.She is not familiar with the capital city.

Although his predecessor grew up in the capital, he didn't have many opportunities to go out of the house, and every time he was used by Ye Ling as a maid, he didn't have time to go shopping at all.

Today is a rare opportunity, but I can take a good look at the customs of the capital.

Yehuang wandered around casually, and when she came across something interesting and liked, she stepped forward to take a look.More than an hour passed after such a stroll, and seeing that it was getting late, I decided to go to the gate of ghosts.

Zuixianglou in the capital is the branch of Ghost Gate in the capital.

Zuixianglou is a restaurant that integrates food and lodging. It is one of the famous restaurants in the capital.

Of course, the most important point is that the people who enter Zuixiang Building are either rich or noble, ordinary people cannot enter at all.

When Yehuang walked to the door of Zuixiang Building, a little girl immediately came out to greet her, looked at her and greeted her with a smile: "Welcome to the shop, I don't know if the guest officer is going to sit in the private room or in the lobby."

"Let's see and talk." Yehuang replied lightly, and followed Xiaoer into the restaurant.

Yehuang first took a look at the entire lobby of the restaurant, and saw that there were still a lot of people, and almost all the good seats were full of people, talking in twos and threes.

Because of the unique design of the restaurant, there are screens between each seat, so it doesn't seem noisy or affect others.

Yehuang only glanced at it, then withdrew her gaze, and then walked towards the shopkeeper standing in front of the counter.

"Guest officer, do you need anything?" The shopkeeper was a middle-aged man. Seeing Yehuang's face with a kind smile made people feel very comfortable.

Ye Huang glanced at the shopkeeper, the token in his hand flashed in front of his eyes, and then ordered: "Let Ye Xue come to see me soon."

After speaking, without responding to the shopkeeper, he walked upstairs.

Zuixiang Building has three floors, the first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the private room, and the third floor is a forbidden area, only people in the ghost gate can go up.

Yehuang went straight up to the third floor, and the shopkeeper downstairs was still in a daze, until the little second reminded: "Shopkeeper, the guest officer just went up to the third floor, should you call her down?"

"I'm calling you tall, that's the owner of the sect, don't you know?" The shopkeeper came back to his senses, patted Xiaoer's head, then looked up at Yehuang who disappeared on the third floor, hurriedly left the counter, and walked towards Go to the backyard.

After a while, a man in his 30s came out from the backyard and headed towards the third floor.

The man went up to the third floor and pushed open the door of the room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ye Huang standing by the window, and the man knelt down: "My subordinate, Ye Xue, has met the door master."

"Get up." Hearing Ye Xue's voice, Ye Huang turned around.

"Master, why did you come in person?" Ye Xue got up, looking at Ye Huang, she still couldn't believe her eyes.

Yehuang's whereabouts have always been erratic, but she rarely comes to the capital.This time, she suddenly appeared here, which surprised him very much.

"It just happened to be in the capital, so I came over to have a look." Ye Huang sat down on the chair next to her, asked about the business situation here, and then revealed her intention for coming.

"Yehuang, you will prepare two people to follow me back to the general's mansion and be my maids."

"Sect Master, you?" Ye Xue was surprised again, although they all knew Ye Huang's name, they never connected her with the young lady who disappeared three years ago in the General's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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