The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 279 Palace Banquet

Chapter 279 The Palace Banquet ([-])

Fortunately, Mrs. Liu told her before that today's dinner was definitely a good one for Ye Huang.

Since someone wanted to deal with Ye Huang, she would not do anything for the time being, and forbear it.

Ye Ling took a few deep breaths, suppressed the jealousy in her heart, and greeted Ye Huang with a smile: "Sister is so beautiful today."

"Yeah, Huang'er looks really good today." Liu Shiyan praised her insincerely, but she was also extremely jealous.

More than ten years ago, Yehuang's mother, Nangongxue, was so beautiful that all the princes in the capital fell in love with her.

In the end, she married the young general Ye Xuan.It's a pity that the confidante died at a young age.

Now, looking at Ye Huang, Liu seemed to see Nangong Xue from more than ten years ago.

Thinking of today's dinner, a mocking smile appeared on her face.A woman whose life is unlucky, Yehuang will also follow in Nangongxue's footsteps.

"Not bad!" Ye Feng glanced at Ye Huang and praised her, then got up and got into the carriage.

As for Ye Su, he was dumbfounded.When everyone got into the carriage, he was still standing there in a daze. It was Yehuang who pushed him to regain his senses.

"Sister, you are so beautiful!" Ye Su scratched her head in embarrassment, and got on the horse as if fleeing.

After everyone was seated, Yehuang got into the carriage that was specially set up by the princess in the palace.

When the family came to the palace, most of the officials' family members were there, chatting in twos and threes.

When they saw the servant bringing Yehuang and Liu's mother and daughter in, when they saw the unparalleled Yehuang, they were all stunned.

God, they have never seen such a beauty.who is this

The servant looked at the stunned crowd with a smile on his face.When he saw Yehuang for the first time, he was also stunned.

The servant who had seen all kinds of beauties in the palace was stunned by a woman and felt ashamed.

Now, seeing that even these women are stunned, I don't feel anything.

"Princess Yunhuang is here, Mrs. Ye, Miss Ye is here!"

The servant gave a notification, and then everyone in the hall came to their senses, and saluted Ye Huang together.Just kidding, no matter what Yehuang's identity was before, she is now the only princess with a title in Yunzhao Kingdom.

"Everyone is welcome." Ye Huang raised her hand, telling everyone to stand up and walk towards their own positions.

She is now the princess, so she sits closer to the front, next to the princes and princesses.

It's not yet time for the banquet. Apart from Ye Huang, the cheap princess, there are only some officials' family members in the hall.Yehuang was not familiar with those daughters, nor did she know much about them.

Fortunately, before coming, Guimen has already investigated all the adults who participated in the banquet.The favorites of officials and family members are all found out.

Ye Huang sat down, her eyes swept over the people in the hall, and matched them with the information one by one.

After roughly remembering the faces, Ye Huang looked away.

Because of Yehuang's arrival, the originally lively hall fell silent. They carefully looked at Yehuang, who was above them, with indistinguishable expressions in their eyes.

Ye Huang didn't care about those sizing up eyes.At this moment, what she cares about is Ye Ling and Liu Shi.

These two people are a little abnormal today.

It is said that when things go wrong, there must be a demon. It is obvious that Liu Shi and Ye Ling must be planning something.

It seems that today she really has a wolf in front and a tiger in her back.

However, even so, she is not afraid.These people want to die one by one, even if they come here, she will accompany them.

 Third watch, continue in the afternoon!Please subscribe, please vote, please leave a message!Many relatives said that Ranran broke his promise, but in fact Ranran was forced to do so, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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