The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 280 Palace Banquet

Chapter 280 Palace Night Banquet ([-])

The days in the middle of the capital happened to be very boring, so someone sent it up for fun, and she was happy to see it come true.

Ever since Ye Ling entered the main hall, she had gathered with her little sisters and was talking bad things about Ye Huang.

Now she can't beat or scold her like before, but it doesn't prevent her from ruining Yehuang's reputation.Moreover, Yehuang is now the princess, and there are a lot of people who are jealous of her. Anyone who says anything she says will be believed.

Ye Ling thought she was very smart, but she didn't know that Ye Huang didn't want to pay attention to these people at all.Otherwise, how could they have been whispering for so long.

With Ye Huang's hearing ability, their conversation had already fallen into her ears.

Of course, Ye Huang could hear them, but Ye Ling and her girlfriends from that county didn't know about it, otherwise they wouldn't have spoken so vigorously.

Yehuang sat a little bored, playing with the wine glass with one hand, and was thinking about going out for a walk.A loud voice came: "King Yun, King Ping, King Luo, Eldest Princess, Second Princess are here!"

Along with the singing, Shangguan Yuntian, Shangguan Ping, King Luo Shangguan Luo, eldest princess Shangguan Fei, and second princess Shangguan Lin walked in together.

Everyone knelt down again.

Fortunately, Yehuang is the princess now, so she doesn't need to kneel with everyone, just a salute.

So, she stood up and greeted the princes and princesses.

Shangguan Yuntian and others who came in immediately saw Yehuang standing upright.When they saw the well-dressed Ye Huang, they were all amazed.

Especially Shangguan Yuntian, who wished to hide Yehuang, wished that her beauty could only be seen by himself.

Stepping forward, he looked at Ye Huang with a confused face, opened his mouth but did not speak.

"what happened?"

"You are very beautiful today!" Shangguan Yuntian praised, and then whispered: "I wish I could hide you."

Yehuang was taken aback when she heard the words, then laughed, and said, "Fool, can you have some confidence in yourself?"

While the two were talking, Shangguanping came up and said, "What are the princess and King Yun talking about privately, let's listen to it together."

Ye Huang was disturbed, her face was a little displeased, she turned her head to look at Shangguan Ping and said coldly: "Prince Ping is so ignorant, since it is a whisper, how can others hear it?"

Such disrespectful words made Shangguanping feel embarrassed and annoyed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and said: "It's my king who said something wrong, don't blame the princess!"

After finishing speaking, he looked Ye Huang up and down again, and said: "I already knew that the princess is beautiful, and I don't want the princess under the costume to be even more beautiful."

At this time, Luo Wang who was on the side also joined together, and said: "Yes, yes, Brother Erhuang is right, the princess is really beautiful. Compared with that, Su Ruyue, the number one beauty in Beijing, doesn't know how beautiful she is. How many times."

Compared with the praise of Yehuang from the three princes, the faces of the two princesses were not very good-looking.They have always been the objects of praise.Not to mention the noble status, talent and good looks, what is Yehuang, a woman who can't read big characters and has been bullied by everyone since she was a child, is also worthy of stealing their limelight?

With such thoughts in mind, the eldest princess and the second princess exchanged glances, and then began to attack Ye Huang.

"What's the use of being beautiful, she's just a beauty."

"Yehuang, since my father named you the princess of Yunhuang County, I think you have some skills. I wonder if you dare to compete with this princess?"

 Thanks to Moye Idiot Crazy Dream, Qianchun Guoguo, and 18****87 for their rewards, thank you!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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