The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 285 Competition in the Great Hall

Chapter 285 Competition in the Great Hall ([-])

Shangguanping always liked to show off in front of the emperor, he didn't wait for other people to make a move, he had already stepped forward and said, "Report to the emperor, the matter is like this..."

Shangguanping not only told about the main competition between Yehuang and the second princess, but also specifically talked about their success.Especially the jade tablet of Ghost Doctor Pavilion that Yehuang brought out, and he talked about it emphatically.

Hearing that Yehuang actually had a jade tablet belonging to the Ghost Doctor Pavilion, the emperor was a little surprised and asked, "Master Yunhuang, do you know anyone from the Ghost Doctor Pavilion?"

Hearing the words, Yehuang knew what the emperor wanted to ask, so she smiled and said: "Your majesty, my daughter doesn't know anyone in Ghost Doctor Pavilion, so I got this jade medal by chance."

The emperor was a little disappointed after hearing this, but he didn't ask Yehuang any more, but talked about their competition.

"I heard that you haven't chosen a topic for the competition, why don't you come up with a topic for you, what do you think?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The emperor even spoke, who could say no?

Both sides thanked the emperor, then returned to their seats and sat down, waiting for the emperor to come up with a question.

However, the emperor was not in a hurry to ask the question, but talked about the bet.

As soon as these words came out, those who were unable to continue placing their bets due to the emperor's arrival rekindled hope, and smiled again on their faces.

Seeing the high interest of the crowd, the emperor also wanted to join in, so he ordered the eunuch beside him: "In a while, you can also place some bets for me, and buy Yunhuang County Master to win."

The eunuch nodded and wrote it down, and the emperor turned to ask the queen and others beside him, "Where are the queen and your concubines, are you interested?"

"The emperor has participated, so how can we miss the courtiers and concubines?" The queen smiled and gave orders to the maids beside her.

However, the empress does not have the courage of the emperor, so she dare not bet on Ye Huang to win.She bet that the two princesses won.After all, the princess grew up beside her, so she knows everything.What's more, Yehuang still has such rumors that she can't read big characters, and she's a waste of nothing.

With just one face, how could he win the two princesses.You know, there are many people with real abilities present, especially those veterans who don't know how to look at faces, so it's useless even if Yehuang is beautiful.

The big shots all placed their bets, and all the ministers in the court followed suit.

The people in Shangguan Yuntian were noting, seeing more and more money, they were overjoyed.But what made him depressed was that there were very few people who bought Yehuang and won. Except for his master, the emperor, only Ye Feng and Ye Su remained.

On the other hand, with the two princesses, almost everyone in the hall bought them and won.

Why is everyone not optimistic about the future princess?

The person in charge of bookkeeping was a little sad. He fully believed in Yehuang's ability.He felt that she must be the one who won in a while, so he really wanted to buy Yehuang to win, but unfortunately he didn't have much money.

But even so, he still took out all his money and bought Yehuang to win.

Seeing that everyone had placed their bets, the emperor began to ask questions.

Piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are compulsory courses for every girl in the boudoir. Considering the situation of both parties, the emperor first proposed a topic about poetry, that is, write a poem about night scenes within a quarter of an hour.

Although Yehuang can't write poetry, she has in her mind the famous works written by the greatest poets in ancient China, so she can't be troubled at all.

In order not to hurt the two princesses, Yehuang showed a thoughtful look, making the daughters in the hall who were waiting for her to make a fool of herself feel complacent.

(End of this chapter)

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