The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 286 Who is the winner

Chapter 286 Who Is The Winner ([-])

"Look at her like that, she must not be able to figure it out."

"An idiot who can't read big characters can also write poetry, it's ridiculous."

"It's so embarrassing to lose face, it's better to hit him head-on to death."

Seeing Ye Huang's pretending but unable to write, Ye Ling felt very happy.If it wasn't for the wrong location, she would have laughed three times, or ruthlessly laughed at Yehuang.

Pretend, Yehuang is so good at pretending, she doesn't believe it, she will have adventures in these three years.

Composing poetry is not something that can be learned casually.Not only must it be cultivated from an early age, but it must also be talented.Just like her, although she has been in elementary school, except for playing the piano better, she is not very good at chess, calligraphy and painting.

So, seeing Yehuang like this, her heart was balanced.There are many people who hold the same idea as Ye Ling, and they all look like they are watching a good show, waiting for Ye Huang to lose and to humiliate her.

However, they were complacent too early, because this Yehuang was not That Yehuang. From the moment she woke up from the lake three years ago, she was no longer a waste in the eyes of everyone.

The talents of the two princesses are not bad, and after about 5 minutes, they thought of a sentence, so they walked to the side of the white paper and wrote it.

Seeing the movements of the princesses, Ye Huang walked slowly to the table.

Yehuang's movements were very slow, and in the eyes of everyone, it had another meaning.They became more and more sure that Yehuang didn't know anything, that's why they were so reluctant.

Even the two princesses couldn't help but glance at Yehuang.

However, from the moment Yehuang stood still in front of the table, her whole temperament changed instantly.Become so dazzling and confident.

That kind of light makes people dare not look directly at it.

This change of her made the emperor and others who were sitting on it stunned for a moment, and then locked their eyes tightly on Ye Huang, never moving away.

Needless to say, Shangguan Yuntian, his eyes were on Ye Huang from the beginning to the end.As for Shangguan Ping and Shangguan Luo, they also looked at Ye Huang, but their eyes were full of puzzlement and calculation.

And some people in the hall also noticed the change of Yehuang, and they all regretted it in their hearts.Yehuang's change made them believe that the princess might not win this competition.

But now, they regret that they were a little bit late, and the bets they made cannot be changed.

But those daughters, even if they saw Ye Huang's changes, they would not believe that she could change.Therefore, each of them still looks like they are watching a good show.

The time was up soon, and Ye Huang and the two princesses put down their pens at the same time.

Seeing that the three of them stopped writing, the eunuch in charge of collecting the questions stepped forward and brought the poems written by the three of them to the emperor.

After the emperor read it once, it was circulated to several ministers who were judges.

When the judges saw the works of the three, each of them showed a look of surprise on their faces.First of all, they were shocked not by how well the above poem was written, but by Ye Huang's handwriting, which was called a master.

Yehuang was a calligraphy lover in her previous life, and she also learned from many calligraphers, so when the handwriting came out, it couldn't be seen that it was written by a girl.

Coupled with Murong Jue's teachings and suggestions from this life, her handwriting is even more self-contained, elegant and natural.

"Good handwriting!" The former imperial master and now the Grand Tutor Gong Chengwen looked at the handwriting written by Yehuang and gave a big praise.

The Tai Tu seldom praises people, but all the people he has praised are all dragons and phoenixes.

Now, he was full of praise for Ye Huang's handwriting. While shocking the other adults, they moved their heads to his side suspiciously and looked at Ye Huang's handwriting.

 The tenth watch is over!Dear, what a da!Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, ask for a ticket, ask for a message!Say important things three times.

(End of this chapter)

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