The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 287 Who is the winner

Chapter 287 Who Is The Winner (Part [-])

After looking at it, several adults were equally stunned.

The handwriting is neat, the pen moves freely, vigorous and powerful.People can't help but feel happy when they look at it, and want to collect it.

Not to mention a woman, even a man can't write such a strong character.

No wonder Master Tai Tuo has such a high evaluation, it is really a good word.

"Okay, it's really well written." Several adults praised in unison, making the two princesses and everyone in the hall extremely proud.

Especially the second princess looked at Yehuang provocatively and said, "Yehuang, if you had given up early, you wouldn't be ashamed in front of so many people."

As for the people in the hall, they looked at Ye Huang with a mocking face and whispered earnestly.

"It's so self-defeating that you actually want to compete with the two princesses. It's ugly to lose this time."

"Look at her, she dares to stand on it. If it was me, I would have lost face."

"Who says it's not? It's just a fool who doesn't know anything. I thought it was amazing, but it's not like that."

"Who does she think she is, it's really amazing to be named the princess by the emperor, she's overthinking her own strength, and she's just taking her own humiliation."

Ye Ling and Liu Shi did not speak, but their eyes were extremely contemptuous.Especially Ye Ling, who couldn't hide the gloating in her eyes.

Seeing that Yehuang was as calm as before, no matter what the people below said, she remained motionless, Yeling couldn't tell what she felt.

Envy, jealousy, hatred, it's all complicated.

Yehuang saw everyone's expressions in her eyes, listened to their words, and remained as unmoved as a mountain.

The emperor and others also listened to the gazes and discussions of the people in the hall, and turned to look at Yehuang, wanting to see her reaction.

However, they were very disappointed.Yehuang didn't respond at all, she was as indifferent as before, as if she didn't hear those discussions, didn't feel those eyes.

This made the emperor a little more happy with Ye Huang.Not to mention that Ye Huang is still young, even at his age, facing gossip and gossip, she can't do what she does.

At this time, the emperor had only one thought in his mind.That is to marry Yehuang into the royal family. A person like her is very suitable for the royal family.

Thinking of this, the emperor turned his gaze to Shangguan Ping.Shangguanping was his favorite son, and he also planned to pass on the throne to him, but for some reason, he felt that Shangguanping was not good enough for Yehuang.

As for the person worthy of her, the emperor's eyes swept over the other two sons, and finally settled on Shangguan Yuntian.

Speaking of which, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were a good match.It's a pity that he...

The emperor didn't know what he thought of, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

While everyone was waiting to see Yehuang's good show, the judges suddenly spoke up and said, "In the first round, Princess Yunhuang wins!"


Everyone in the hall couldn't believe their ears when they heard Taifu's words.

Did they hear it right?

How could the victor be Yehuang, she is an idiot who can't read a single word!
The judges must have gotten it wrong.

Not only the daughters in the hall thought so, even the two princesses suspected that the judges made a mistake.The eldest princess and the second princess have always been confident in their talents and learning, and they simply cannot accept the fact that they lost to Ye Huang.

"Impossible!" The second princess walked up to Gong Taifu, staring closely at the poem draft in his hand.

"Why, is the princess suspicious of the old minister's failure?" Gong Taifu was displeased, and his face darkened.

 Open more!

(End of this chapter)

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