The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 505 Murder in the Marriage Room

Chapter 505 Murder in the Marriage Room ([-])
"Hitting you is still light, this concubine wants to kill you now." The cold voice spit out from Ye Huang's mouth, and a strong killing intent emanated from her body.

"How dare you!" Su Yue glared at Ye Huang sternly, her eyes were full of hatred.

"Why don't I dare?" Yehuang sneered, stretched out his hand to grab Su Yueru's neck, and said coldly: "As long as I use my strength alone, you will have to see Hades."

"You, you?" Su Yueru felt the killing intent of Yehuang, and she became frightened.She knew what Yehuang said was true, and it was easy to kill her.

No, she doesn't want to die, she wants to live, she wants to live to see Yehuang lose Shangguan Yuntian and see her suffer for a lifetime.

Yes, she wants to live.

Thinking about it, Su Yueru calmed down and thought of a way to get out.

Soon, she had an idea.So she looked at Yehuang and said, "Yehuang, so what if you kill me, you have already been poisoned by me. If I die, you will not survive."

"Are you going to make a deal with this concubine?" Ye Huang had a bright smile on her face, Su Yueru still had some brains.However, her calculation was wrong.

"If you want to think that way, it's fine." Su Yueru nodded, moved her neck, and said, "Now, can you let go of your hands first?"

"What if my concubine says no?" An evil spirit flashed in Ye Huang's eyes, and she looked at Su Yueru who was dying and struggling with amusement.

"Yehuang, don't forget that you are poisoned." Su Yueru's expression changed, and she became angry.At this time, Yehuang still didn't let her go.Could it be that she didn't believe that the food was poisoned, or did Yehuang think she was lying to her?
"Poisoned?" The smile on Ye Huang's face became a little stronger, and she patted Su Yueru's face with the other hand, and said, "It seems that you have forgotten what happened in Zuixianglou last time. Then Once, you also gave this concubine medicine, but in the end it was you who took the medicine."

"You, what do you mean?" Su Yueru looked at Yehuang in confusion, wondering why she suddenly mentioned the matter of Peixianglou.

Thinking of what happened in Zuixianglou, Su Yueru's expression instantly turned ugly.If it wasn't for that incident, she would be Shangguanping's concubine now, instead of being sent to the family temple.

"Miss Su, aren't you very smart? How can you be so stupid? If this concubine is so easy to be poisoned, I don't know how many times I have died." Yehuang kindly dialed a word, looked at Su Yueru The face that changed color again, was only then satisfied and smiled again.

"You, you haven't been poisoned?" Su Yueru widened her eyes when she thought of this possibility, and looked at Yehuang.She stared at Ye Huang closely, for fear of missing any expression on her face.

She wanted to know if Ye Huang was lying to her?She poisoned more than one kind, how could Yehuang not be poisoned.

So, is she lying to herself?

Yes, it must be so.Yehuang must be lying to herself.

While comforting herself, Su Yueru waited for Yehuang to be poisoned.

"Silly girl, you are so stupid!" Yehuang glanced at Su Yueru, guessed what she was thinking, then patted her face again, and said: "The person who can poison this concubine is probably not born yet. Do you know why?"

"Why, why?"

"Of course it's because this concubine is the ancestor who played drugs." Ye Huang looked at Su Yueru with idiot eyes, touched her body with jade hands, took out a pill and shook it in front of the other party's eyes, saying: "Look Is it here? This is the poison I made myself, do you want to try it?"

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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