The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 506 Marriage ceremony

Chapter 506 Husband and Wife Ritual ([-])

"You know how to make poison? How is this possible?" Su Yueru looked at Ye Huang with disbelief.If Ye Huang could make poison herself, then they poisoned her, wouldn't they be using big swords in front of Guan Gong and humiliating themselves?

Should she take her word for it?

If Yehuang lied to her, then how to explain what happened in Zuixianglou last time.And now, after Yehuang ate the food and wine, the poison did not flare up. This is absolutely impossible.

The man told her how powerful those poisons were.

It was precisely because she knew how powerful the poison was that she got into the wine and vegetables together.

"Everything is possible, understand? Silly girl!" Yehuang said while stretching out the hand that was pinching Su Yueru's neck.

Regaining her freedom made Su Yueru a little confused.Yehuang wanted to kill her just now, why let her go now.What is Ye Huang planning?
"What do you mean?" Su Yueru looked at Yehuang and asked.

"What do you mean?" Yehuang smiled lightly, and said, "It's not interesting, I just want to know how you got into Prince Yun's mansion."

Prince Yun's mansion is heavily guarded, Su Yueru, a woman who doesn't even know martial arts, can't get in unless someone helps her.

Therefore, Yehuang wanted to know who those people from Su Yueru were.This is also the reason why she didn't kill Su Yueru just now, but also talked nonsense with her for so long.

Don't kill the other party, but make the other party afraid, so that the other party does not dare to act rashly.That's why Yehuang told Su Yueru that she was the ancestor who played drugs.

"I won't tell you." Su Yueru's expression changed, she stared at Yehuang and said.No wonder Yehuang didn't kill her, it turned out to be the plan.

However, Yehuang was doomed to be disappointed, she would not tell her.

Thinking about it, Su Yueru looked at Yehuang proudly, as if saying, 'I won't say anything, what can you do to me? '

Seeing Su Yueru's smug look, Yehuang smiled coldly, moved her fingertips slightly, and shot a silver needle into the other person's body.

Following the injection of the silver needle, something strange happened to Su Yueru's body.She seemed to feel that there were thousands of ants gnawing on her body, itching and painful, extremely ugly.

"Yehuang, you, what did you do to me?" Su Yueru asked loudly, her eyes widened, enduring the discomfort in her body.

Just now she only saw a flash of silver light, but she didn't know what it was.But now, her body is so uncomfortable, she doesn't need to think about it to know that it is the problem of the silver light just now.

"It's nothing, it's just some good things for you to tell the truth." Yehuang laughed, so enchanting.But her smile fell into Su Yueru's eyes, but it was like a demon, which made her feel terrified, frightened her, frightened her.

Su Yueru's face became more and more ugly as her body became more and more uncomfortable. Beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead, and she couldn't help reaching out to grab it.

Just as she was grasping, Su Yueru suddenly thought of something, she suddenly stopped, stared at Yehuang and said, "You poisoned me?"

"It seems that you are not stupid." Yehuang's smile became a little bit stronger, and coupled with her delicate and beautiful face, it made people unable to move their eyes away.

But for some reason, seeing Yehuang's smile, Su Yueru became more and more frightened.

"How is it, does the poisoning taste good?" Yehuang asked nervously, making Su Yueru speechless with anger.


She pointed at Yehuang, but didn't know what to say.

Winner and loser, she always thought that she could be Ye Huang's opponent, but now she realized that she was not Ye Huang's opponent at all.

 Thank you Yuanqian, your promise, Jing, Cherry Blossom Rain and Die for your rewards, thank you!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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