The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 507 Marriage ceremony

Chapter 507 Marriage Rituals ([-])

"Let's leave you alone, tell me, how did you get in?" Ye Huang brought up the topic just now, making Su Yueru silent.

She said, or not?
Let's just say, the person who sent her in will definitely not let her go.Let alone, Ye Huang will not let her go.

What should she do?
Su Yueru became entangled, not knowing whether to say it or not.In fact, she didn't know much about the person who sent her in.Even, she had never even seen the other person's face.

"Think about it?" Yehuang looked at Su Yueru's changing expression, and said lightly: "It seems that the poison is not enough."

As she spoke, she was preparing to add a little more material to Su Yueru.

Unexpectedly, Su Yueru screamed and said, "No, don't!"

"Since you don't want my concubine to add more information, then you tell me what I want to know." Ye Huang gave Su Yueru a cold look, and said coldly.

Shangguan Yuntian hasn't come back yet, and he doesn't know how things are going at the wedding banquet.

"Okay, let me say!" Su Yueru gritted her teeth and finally made up her mind.

"I wish it had been like this earlier." Yehuang said coolly, she was quite satisfied with Su Yueru's understanding
But she didn't want to, just as she finished speaking, Su Yueru spoke again, saying: "But I have one condition."

"It's already this time, and you still want to negotiate terms?" Ye Huang's face darkened, displeased with Su Yueru's overreaching.

"If you don't agree, then I won't say anything." Su Yueru suddenly became strong. She felt that Yehuang was very concerned about this matter, so she planned to take Qiao.

"Okay, then you can go to die." Ye Huang was impatient, seeing that Shangguan Yuntian did not come back, she was a little anxious.

In addition, she suddenly thought of what Su Yueru said before, and thought that she might not be the only person sent by the other party, and she was even more worried.

If the opponent lures Shangguan Yuntian out and defeats them one by one, things will be troublesome.

Therefore, she had to get rid of Su Yueru as soon as possible, and then go to Shangguan Yuntian.

"You?" Su Yueru was stunned, she didn't expect Yehuang to say such a thing.

Why did she suddenly change her attitude?
Could it be that my guess is wrong?She doesn't value the secret behind her?

"Speak or not?" Yehuang asked again, with a murderous look on her body.

"Me?" Su Yueru was about to speak, when suddenly hurried footsteps came from outside the door.

Hearing the sound, Yehuang frowned, reached out and touched Su Yueru's acupuncture points, and quickly hid behind the door.

She had just hid when the door was pushed open violently.

"Huang'er?" Shangguan Yuntian pushed open the door and rushed in calling Yehuang's name.

Recognizing that it was Shangguan Yuntian's voice, Yehuang's waving hand suddenly retracted.Then he came out from behind the door and asked, "You are in a panic, what happened?"

"Huang'er, are you alright?" Shangguan Yuntian asked while pulling Yehuang to his side to check.

After he had someone take Shangguan Luo down before, because he was worried about Ye Huang's accident, he even forgot his lightness kung fu, so he ran back directly.

Fortunately, Yehuang was fine, otherwise he didn't know what he would do.

"What can I do?" Yehuang glanced at Shangguan Yuntian, seeing the panic in his eyes, and took the initiative to hug his waist and comfort him.

"It's fine, it's fine." Shangguan Yuntian hugged Ye Huang tightly, and his hanging heart finally fell.

In the room, Su Yueru looked at Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian embracing each other, and seeing that Shangguan Yuntian was fine, her expression turned ugly.

 The second one is here!It's finally going to be the bridal chamber, are you excited?Ask for a reward, ask for a ticket, ask for a message!Ask for a reward, ask for a reward, ask for a reward!Say important things three times!

(End of this chapter)

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