Chapter 518

Feeling that the other party treats her as a toy and a pet, Yehuang became more and more annoyed, and wanted to leave Shangguan Yuntian, a dangerous creature.

Yehuang tried hard to pull her hand out of Shangguan Yuntian's big palm, but couldn't at all.

After Shangguan Yuntian felt Ye Huang's resistance, he looked up at her, and lightly bit her hand.

A stabbing pain came from his hand, which made Yehuang very annoyed. He glared at him and said, "Are you a dog? You still bite people."

Looking at Yehuang's angry pretty face, Shangguan Yuntian showed an evil smile, and became more and more proud.

He let go of Yehuang's hand and raised his head...

Early the next morning, when she opened her eyes, she felt as if she had been crushed, and her body was so uncomfortable that she didn't even want to move.

Yehuang turned her head, glanced at the vacant seat beside her, and cursed secretly: "Bastard!"

Shangguan Yuntian was following Qin Zhong and the others to hunt in the mountains, and he sneezed so suddenly that everyone became worried, and asked, "Master, aren't you sick?"

"It's okay, maybe someone is talking about the Lord." Shangguan Yuntian waved his hand, he has been enjoying himself these few days, how could he be sick?

It is estimated that he drove hard yesterday and got on the highway a few times, so she is swearing.

Thinking of Yehuang, the corners of Shangguan Yuntian's mouth slightly raised, forming an intoxicating arc.

Looking at such a master, Qin Zhong and the others couldn't help being stunned.

In the past, they only knew that the master was indifferent and unkind, but they didn't expect that the master had such a warm side.

It seems that what the brothers said is true, the prince really loves the princess to the bottom of his heart.

There were quite a lot of prey on the mountain, and Shangguan Yuntian and others soon returned with a full load.When they returned to the other courtyard, Yehuang was still on the bed and did not get up.

Originally, Yehuang was going to get up, but unfortunately, not only was her back sore, her legs were trembling, and she couldn't stand up at all.

She had no choice but to go back to bed and lie down to rest again.

For this reason, she scolded Shangguan Yuntian severely again in her heart.

When Shangguan Yuntian returned to the other courtyard, the first thing he did was to ask Dong and Xia Yehuang how they were and if they woke up.

When he heard that Ye Huang hadn't gotten up yet, a smile appeared on his face, he waved Dong and Xia back, and went straight into the room.

In the room, Ye Huang was lying on the bed, but she didn't feel sleepy.After hearing the sound of the door opening, he stared straight at the door.

Shangguan Yuntian did not expect that when he entered the door, Yehuang's angry gaze greeted him.

Involuntarily, he quickened his pace, walked to the bed, looked at Ye Huang with a smile on his face, and asked in a low voice: "Miss, do you want to be a husband?"

"Get lost!" Yehuang was already angry, but now she was angry when she heard his insincere words, so she couldn't help roaring.

No, when Shangguan Yuntian heard this, not only was he not angry, but he responded with a smile: "I obey my husband's orders, so get out."

"You?" One sentence made Ye Huang speechless.And Shangguan Yuntian had already gone to bed, and was about to burrow into the bed.

When Yehuang finally uttered the word 'shameless', Shangguan Yuntian had already locked her in his arms.

Yehuang was annoyed and angry, and scolded Shangguan Yuntian again.

He didn't want to, but he said: "Huang'er, don't think too much, I just want to give you a massage because I see you are uncomfortable. Besides, I was just joking just now, do you think you are in a hurry?"

(End of this chapter)

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