Chapter 519 Love in Other Courtyard ([-])

Yehuang went crazy and stared at Shangguan Yuntian.How could there be such a rogue man in this world?Why didn't she know before, can she go back now?

Fortunately, Shangguan Yuntian wasn't really an asshole, he knew that Yehuang had really tossed him too hard these days, otherwise she wouldn't be unable to get out of bed.

So, his hand that lit the fire quickly turned into massaging Ye Huang.

His strength was well controlled, neither light nor heavy, which made Yehuang very comfortable. After a few hums, he fell asleep.

Hearing Yehuang's steady breathing, Shangguan Yuntian smiled, and his hands became more gentle.

I don't know if it was because of Shangguan Yuntian's massage, but this time Yehuang slept very deeply and comfortably.

So much so that when I woke up at night, my waist was no longer sore, and my legs were no longer soft.

"Huang'er, are you awake?" Shangguan Yuntian, who was sitting on the chair next to him reading a book, heard the movement on the bed, smiled and put down the book.

"How long have I been asleep?" Yehuang looked at the candlelight in the room and frowned.She was a little unclear about how long she had slept, and hoped that she would not miss the three-dynasty return home.

"It's only a few hours." As Shangguan Yuntian said, he brought over the clothes and wanted to help Ye Huang wear them.

Yehuang didn't refuse, and let Shangguan Yuntian help her get dressed.

After getting dressed, Yehuang got out of bed, went to the cubicle to wash up, and asked, "When are we going back home?"

"Go back tomorrow." Shangguan Yuntian replied with a smile, then pulled Yehuang out of the room and went to the flower hall for dinner.

Before, when Yehuang was washing and grooming, he had told the people below to prepare.

Therefore, when the two arrived at the flower hall, the food had already been served.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Yehuang suddenly felt hungry, and started to start immediately after sitting down.

Seeing that Yehuang was so hungry, Shangguan Yuntian blamed himself a little.If I had known earlier, when I gave Yehuang a massage in the afternoon, I should have let her eat some snacks to cushion her stomach.

Yehuang ate a bit too much for dinner, Shangguan Yuntian accompanied her for a walk in the yard to digest, talking about the arrangements for the next day.

"Huang'er, we will go back to the door in Sanchao tomorrow, and we will go back directly from here. It just so happens that I hunted some prey today and sent them to grandpa and the others to open them up."

"Okay!" Yehuang laughed after hearing the words.Originally, she thought that Shangguan Yuntian had forgotten about returning home in three dynasties, so she asked him when he would return home when he woke up.But he didn't want to, he had already arranged it.

That being the case, she doesn't need to worry anymore, she just listen to Shangguan Yuntian.

The two walked in the yard for a while before returning to the room.I don't know if it's because of sleeping too much during the day, but Yehuang couldn't fall asleep. When she was about to get a book to pass the time, she didn't want Shangguan Yuntian to sit down beside her, and asked with a smile, "Huang'er can't sleep. ?"

"Well, I slept a little too much during the day."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yuntian suddenly became happy, and picked up Yehuang and went to the bed.As he walked, he said ambiguously: "That's just right, we can do something else."

Obedient to these words, how could Yehuang not understand what Shangguan Yuntian was going to do, so he struggled.

This guy tosses her over and over again every time. She doesn't want to be unable to get up when she returns home tomorrow.

Therefore, nothing she said today could make Shangguan Yuntian succeed.It would be great if there was a needle by my side, just give him a needle directly.

But today, when she put on her clothes, she didn't bring the needle with her at all, what should she do?
 Thanks to Agapanthus for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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