Chapter 520

Seeing that she was about to be pressed down on the bed by Shangguan Yuntian again, Yehuang became more and more anxious.

Once in bed, this guy can't stop.

It seems that there is only one way.

Thinking about it, Yehuang immediately squeezed out a few tears, looked at Shangguan Yuntian pitifully and said, "Yuntian, I'm too tired these days, let's stop today, okay?"

Originally, Shangguan Yuntian wanted to say something bad, but seeing Yehuang's pitiful appearance, and thinking about how insignificant he was, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

As soon as he uttered a good word, Yehuang burst into tears and laughed.Looking at her smiling face like a flower, and looking at his tight lower body, Shangguan Yuntian regretted it very much.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't agree so soon.Even if you can't eat meat, you can drink some soup.It's a pity that he has already agreed, and he doesn't even have to drink the soup.

It seems that I can only take a cold shower.

Thinking about it, Shangguan Yuntian reluctantly let go of Yehuang, and then went to the cubicle to take a shower.When he came out after changing his clothes, Yehuang was already lying on the bed and fell asleep.

This is?

Didn't you just say you couldn't sleep?Why did he fall asleep after taking a shower.Could it be that he was scared?

Shangguan Yuntian reviewed himself, then went to bed, hugged Yehuang in his arms and fell asleep.

Because they wanted to go back to the city and had to go back to the General's Mansion, both of them woke up early the next day.He opened his eyes early.

As soon as Yehuang opened her eyes, she was greeted with a good morning kiss by Shangguan Yuntian, and she got up from the bed until she was out of breath.

Seeing Yehuang's speed of fleeing, Shangguan Yuntian shook his head and laughed.

When was it just a kiss that scared Yehuang so much, and caused such a serious psychological shadow on her.

It seems that he has to take it easy in the future.

Otherwise, how could he kiss Fangze every time like this?
After breakfast, the two drove back to the city in a carriage.Although Yehuang prefers to ride horses, Shangguan Yuntian won't let him.

He prefers to ride in a carriage.Because of this, Ye Huang could lean on his body and cling to him.

If it was a horse, Yehuang would definitely not be willing to ride with her.

After entering the city, the carriage really went to the general's mansion.

At this time, in the General's Mansion, Ye Feng and Ye Su both got up early, waiting for Ye Huang's three dynasties to return.

When people reported that Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian had returned, they came out together.

Shangguan Yuntian helped Ye Huang get out of the carriage, and before entering the mansion, he saw the two people rushing towards him, and he couldn't help but smile on his face.

Yehuang let go of Shangguan Yuntian's hand, strode up to the two of them, and shouted with a smile: "Grandpa, big brother."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Ye Feng looked Ye Huang up and down, seeing that she was in a good state of mind, and then he was relieved.

To be honest, since Yehuang married, he has been very worried.Worried that Yehuang's temperament would cause discord with Shangguan Yuntian, now it seems that he is overthinking.

That's right, before getting married, Shangguan Yuntian could tolerate Yehuang's various shortcomings, let alone after getting married?
"Not bad!" Ye Feng finished sizing up Yehuang, then took another look at Shangguan Yuntian, and praised him.I don't know if his 'nice' meant that Shangguan Yuntian had a nice expression, or that he treated Ye Huang well.

However, no matter what kind was good, Shangguan Yuntian accepted everything according to the order, and then showed a bright smile, and shouted: "Grandpa!"

Ye Su on the side watched Shangguan Yuntian call Ye Feng, and the old god was waiting for him to call 'Big Brother', but he didn't want Shangguan Yuntian to act as if he didn't see him, and didn't even give him a look.

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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